#wheel statistics generated by mejjad

Statistics cover Monday 28.11.2011 to Sunday 4.12.2011
During this 7-day reporting period a total of 122 people visited #wheel

IRC-stats for Tar Valon. Timezone: GMT +1.

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Daily chat activity








28.11 29.11 30.11 1.12 2.12 3.12 4.12

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24

Hourly activity on #wheel

3.9% 4.9% 5.9% 7.1% 8.9% 6.3% 4.4% 6.0% 4.1% 6.3% 3.2% 1.9% 1.0% 0.8% 0.9% 2.0% 2.2% 3.0% 3.8% 3.0% 4.3% 5.1% 6.4% 4.5%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

The most active nicks

(Nicks sorted by number of lines written)

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 Alkeis 1264 "that sounds like a awesome sale"
2 @DarianC 760 "Hey... Um... I should be offended... But I am amused by it... :P"
3 Seraph 729 "What's with the eyes?"
4 Imzadi 639 "have sent one... but have to rewrite the other one"
5 WilCambrae 629 "I feel specail though, I've built decent White and Black decks"
6 Kassidy 493 "look at those glasses"
7 Onis_Olea 439 "thank heavens you can advance ok in FarmVille without bugging people"
8 Pol 422 "grilled for a few others yesterday"
9 Amarande 384 "if you moved internationally, then you would probably need to unlock..."
10 Mernea 346 "hey Vallah :) how are you?"
11 Jasyn 346 "are you gonna set it up Wil?"
12 Laralelle 312 "wow, that pic is full of dork"
13 Giles 281 "Errr it's ok. Feeling a bit off"
14 SeanD 245 "it peed all over him"
15 Mical 239 "funny, these seminal moments"
16 +mejjad 238 "the tax for one man companies here is 56%"
17 Marivea 235 "lol. Why are you awake, Mical?"
18 Willow 227 "that's before I learned to knit with needles. Before that I was corkiong/spool..."
19 @Jeffy 213 "Deoan's term is up. :P"
20 Nymala 204 "hey Kass, how are you?"
21 Nandi 200 "#oldewarderandhen has Alviarin"
22 Eli_Soljourn 194 "I appreciate the influence the Beatles had...but not my style. However..."
23 Stephan 164 "and to be honest, my Dutch grammar has been quite poor since hosting..."
24 Vallah 143 "hubby had a big test tonight"
25 Ciaran 142 "well, I could tease you a bit"
26 @Caerwyn 134 "can hardly see the road"
27 Asandra 133 "i'm just stuck on one part of the mission... keep dying and it's effing..."
28 Bandasar 131 "maybe I will run for president on the no pants platform"
29 Dorelei 122 "i mean it is *you* doing the "molesting" :waggle"

Those who wrote less than 120 lines:
Alyria (108) Zimone (105) Jayson_Maison (103) Adolla (103) ennairam (89) Khis (84)
Pips (75) Arie (74) Alaren (73) Narysse (69) Faeril (69) Kerwin (68)
Morri (60) Tazren (56) Vivianna (55) @Jadira (50) Azi (44) Roland (42)
Bryher (41) @Jeryn (40) Jalen (38) Kerna (37) Saareah (36) @Murasaki (35)
Karaelyn (35) Lauraine (33) L[a]korv (32) Anigrel (31) Deirfiur (29) Kazayha (24)
Gollaith (24) DeathWatch (22) @Nyarin (21) Talia (20) Enya (20) Verscen (17)
@TheDarkOne (17) Paxy (16) @Karassa_sedai (16) Capn_John (15) LeoKian (14) Raylin (13)
Jodea (12) Belgareth (12) Rinwyn (11) Raina (10) Naynay (9) @Defen (9)
Eccadairius (9) AriaSedai (9) L[a]korv (8) Zarathi (7) riT-k0MA (7) Nyavene (7)
Tomeina (6) Madhar (6) @Liana (6) Leo (6) Hana (6) Dria (6)

The other 33 nicks didn't have much to say...

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1Alkeis - 605
Alkeis - 560
Imzadi - 167
Imzadi - 374
2DarianC - 472
WilCambrae - 368
Onis_Olea - 156
DarianC - 246
3Seraph - 306
Seraph - 277
Amarande - 109
Kassidy - 214
4WilCambrae - 236
Mernea - 244
Pol - 106
Onis_Olea - 165
5Amarande - 162
Willow - 185
Nandi - 89
Seraph - 146
6Laralelle - 158
Pol - 141
mejjad - 71
SeanD - 143
7Mical - 149
Marivea - 131
Kassidy - 70
Pol - 132
8Kassidy - 142
Onis_Olea - 116
Laralelle - 59
Jasyn - 110
9Giles - 118
Jasyn - 103
Giles - 51
Jeffy - 107
10Bandasar - 118
Vallah - 89
Jeryn - 29
Jayson_Maison - 96

#wheel relation map

#wheel relation map generated by mIRCStats v1.23
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick
  More important           Less important

Topic tracking

17 latest topics from #wheel

At Topic Nick
4.12 18:56Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
18:44Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
13:46Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeryn
13:46Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeryn
13:46Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeryn
2.12 14:51Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
3:04Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
1.12 23:53Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...DarianC
23:51Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...DarianC
23:27Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
23:25Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
23:13Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...DarianC
23:08Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...DarianC
17:35Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
30.11 11:40Congrats to Jeffan, our new TVT Editor! Congratulations to Mernea, our newest...Jeffy
28.11 21:49Congratulations to Mernea, our newest Accepted! Hiring: R&R Staff, Marke...Jeffy
9:57Congrats to Cealestis Sedai, new Green HoA! Also congratulations to Ajailyn...Jeffy

17 topic changes between 28.11.2011 and 4.12.2011

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This page was created on 12.12.2011 18:28 with mIRCStats v1.23
Run time: 1 seconds. English language file done by Ave & GreenReaper
mIRCStats is © 1998-2011 by Mikko "Ave" Auvinen