#wheel statistics generated by mejjad

Statistics cover Monday 12.12.2011 to Sunday 18.12.2011
During this 7-day reporting period a total of 143 people visited #wheel

IRC-stats for Tar Valon. Timezone: GMT +1.

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Daily activity








12.12 13.12 14.12 15.12 16.12 17.12 18.12

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24

When's the best time to chat in #wheel?

6.6% 6.3% 6.3% 7.3% 6.1% 5.0% 3.1% 3.6% 4.9% 3.5% 1.6% 2.3% 1.7% 2.8% 3.2% 2.9% 3.4% 3.2% 3.6% 3.6% 5.1% 4.9% 3.7% 5.2%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

The most active nicks

(Nicks sorted by number of lines written)

  Nick Line Count Sample Quote
1 Alkeis 1676 "yea but id be more worried about other factors first :("
2 @DarianC 1393 "*shrugs* I haven't paid attention to it after they announcemed it... Sry......"
3 Stephan 1027 "I shall have to think about a way to do that"
4 +Mejjad 997 "I still think you should write something more extensive, Tazren."
5 North 977 "two days away from Work is a recipe for mental health"
6 Amarande 896 "Then there's the one that divides by 0 at one point, disguising it (as..."
7 Onis_Oleia 850 "what's that in stuff Europeans can understand?"
8 Kassidy 835 "Sorry I am talking to my sister in law on Face book"
9 @WilCambrae 805 "I use it more for a mini-laptop or XL smart phone lol"
10 Marivea 790 "And because men are lazy and don't like wearing condoms"
11 Tazren 699 "you could kill children in Baldur's Gate 2, though. Never heard anyone..."
12 @Jeffy 596 "I hate water balloons. D:"
13 Seraph 495 "<.< None of your business!!!"
14 Imzadi 467 "hi Gollaith, Sikozu, Ariana"
15 Nyavene 431 "Computers are strange things :P"
16 Nymala 418 "Yes but it's damnation without relief"
17 Mical 377 "making me Paul is like trying to fit a square peg in to a Paul-shaped hole"
18 Laralelle 368 "creaky is a good word"
19 Mernea 359 "my inner child wants to go get ice cream......"
20 Qamra 284 "does it have a chicken in it?"
21 Jasyn 262 "only if there women involved ... doing it with all you guys all the time..."
22 Zimone 244 "oh ny, chat is way more important than uni"
23 Ariana 236 "(make me clean my room)"
24 Eli Soljourn 218 "Did you pre-order, Mel?"
25 Pol 215 "I had a whiskey tasting last night..."
26 Kerwin 215 "it's a good thing that i have proper christmas music to listen to."
27 SeanD 205 "Mr. Taim if you're nasty"
28 Ciaran 196 ""especially to women""
29 Shendare 178 "Open formats don't get patent mongers their licensing fees, therefore..."
30 Talia 177 "it's been relaxing :) not much happening thus far, i slept in. And how..."
31 Adolla 175 "it's the shape of the eye"
32 Giles 172 "if i hear that 1 more time"

Those who wrote less than 160 lines:
Paxam (151) Nandi (141) Khis (135) Lireina_Sedai (116) Jalen (115) Ennairam (113)
Sikozu (111) Ebona (110) Bandasar (105) Gollaith (92) Kerna (90) Rose_Red (88)
@Caerwyn (88) Alyria (88) @Jeryn (87) riT-k0MA (86) Asandra (79) Azi (78)
Anigrel (75) Selene (72) Narysse (70) Arie (70) Lauraine (68) @Melisande_ (64)
Hanajima (64) Doneavan (63) Tian (54) @TheDarkOne (54) Kazayha (52) ChalestraAmoran (51)
Asine (50) Lakorv (49) Aven (49) Moah (48) @Nyarin (46) Stazia (44)
Saareah (40) @Karassa (40) Belgareth (39) Roland (38) @Defen (38) Yenie (37)
AriaSedai (37) feon (35) Valadilene (34) Dorelei (34) @Deoan (34) Mellaine (33)
@Liana (31) shara (28) Jayson Maison (28) Capn_John (27) Ajailyn (25) DeathWatch (23)
@Murasaki (20) @Meilen (20) Aral_Malafin (20) Faeril (19) Lara_Work (17) k0MA (15)

51 other nicks just watched other people talk...

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1North - 721
Alkeis - 819
Mejjad - 527
Stephan - 482
2DarianC - 659
WilCambrae - 496
Onis_Oleia - 445
DarianC - 481
3Alkeis - 509
Marivea - 390
Stephan - 233
Mejjad - 374
4Kassidy - 418
Mernea - 310
Imzadi - 232
Amarande - 361
5Amarande - 401
DarianC - 208
Alkeis - 208
Jeffy - 331
6Marivea - 333
Onis_Oleia - 173
Tazren - 201
Tazren - 278
7Mical - 314
Stephan - 152
North - 146
Kassidy - 243
8WilCambrae - 261
Imzadi - 124
Amarande - 131
Onis_Oleia - 232
9Jeffy - 216
Kerwin - 103
Talia - 121
Nyavene - 230
10Laralelle - 211
Seraph - 98
Kassidy - 116
Nymala - 170

#wheel relation map

#wheel relation map generated by mIRCStats v1.23
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick
  More important           Less important

Topic tracking

20 latest topics from #wheel

At Topic Nick
17.12 19:16Congratulations to SOLDIER Pol, Lauraine SEDAI of the Green Ajah and Hanajima...Jeffy
3:23Congratulations to Lauraine SEDAI of the Green Ajah, Hanajima SEDAI of the...Jeffy
14.12 2:08Our Feast of Lights charity drive has begun - see SA for more information...Karassa
13.12 21:59Our Feast of Lights charity drive has begun - see SA for more information...Jeff|Merits
11.12 23:57Our Feast of Lights charity drive has begun - see SA for more information...Jeffy
23:54Our Feast of Lights charity has begun - see SA for more information on how...Jeffy
3:53Our Feast of Lights charity has begun - see SA for more information on how...Karassa
10.12 2:58Our Feast of Lights charity has begun - see SA for more information on how...Jeffy
6.12 19:10Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
19:10Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
4.12 18:56Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
18:44Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
13:46Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeryn
13:46Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeryn
13:46Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeryn
2.12 14:51Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
3:04Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
1.12 23:53Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...DarianC
23:51Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...DarianC
23:27Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy

27 topic changes since 28.11.2011

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This page was created on 19.12.2011 0:11 with mIRCStats v1.23
Run time: 2 seconds. English language file done by Ave & GreenReaper
mIRCStats is © 1998-2011 by Mikko "Ave" Auvinen