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Personal stats

1  Jeffy
Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
Last talked: 11.3. 23:45
Visits: 17
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 1432
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 205
Average letters per line: 24,8
Has kicked out 1 people
Has been kicked out 2 times
Number of descriptions: 18
Topics set: 3
CAPS ratio: 1,7%
Question ratio: 4,5%
Exclamation ratio: 5,4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Alter-ego nicks used: 7  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Other (3)
Onis Oleia
Recent activity
11.3. 23:45<Jeffy> Check the Sports Fanatics forum.
23:45<Jeffy> It costs money to get in.
23:45<Jeffy> Zashara's running it this year.
2 WilCambrae
Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
Last talked: 11.3. 8:11
Visits: 8
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 841
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 120
Average letters per line: 31,5
Number of descriptions: 82
CAPS ratio: 0,6%
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 3,8%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
11.3. 8:11<WilCambrae> time for me to head out
8:11<WilCambrae> night all
8:11* WilCambrae snugs the ladies
8:11*** WilCambrae has quit IRC (Quit: "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents." -- H.P. Lovecraft)
3 DarianC
Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
Last talked: 11.3. 23:03
Visits: 22
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 776
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 111
Average letters per line: 26,2
Number of descriptions: 95
Question ratio: 10%
Exclamation ratio: 11%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Alter-ego nicks used: 8  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Other (4)
Recent activity
11.3. 22:10*** DarianC has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DairianC)))
22:51*** DarianC is now known as Darian|cookin
23:03<Darian|cookin> Lara!! *tacklessnuggleshugglescuddleslicksticklesandloveson*
4 Onis Oleia
Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
Last talked: 11.3. 22:25
Visits: 11
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 754
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 108
Average letters per line: 41,8
Number of descriptions: 5
Question ratio: 14%
Exclamation ratio: 6,1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Alter-ego nicks used: 4  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
11.3. 22:21<Onis OLeia> celebrated her 86th birthday
22:24<Onis OLeia> night, all. sleepy
22:25<Onis OLeia> night, Ajailyn *hugs*
22:27*** Onis OLeia has quit IRC (Quit: What is that light in the dark? It's a friend.)
5 Shaerlyn
Last talked: 11.3. 23:58
Visits: 22
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 698
Days active: 6/7
Average lines per day: 116
Average letters per line: 34,1
Number of descriptions: 23
Question ratio: 16%
Exclamation ratio: 9,5%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Alter-ego nicks used: 4  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
11.3. 23:56<Shaerlyn> called it
23:56<Shaerlyn> villains are usually basses
23:58<Shaerlyn> are you saying the cast couldn't sing, or are you saying a walkon character was a villain?
6 Seraph
Last talked: 11.3. 23:52
Visits: 14
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 630
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 90
Average letters per line: 23,3
Number of descriptions: 73
Question ratio: 9,2%
Exclamation ratio: 12%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Alter-ego nicks used: 4  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
11.3. 23:46<Seraph> I like that there are 7 NC teams on the bracket this year.
23:47<Seraph> wait, no 5
23:47* Seraph can't count
23:49<Seraph> Hi Nandipants
23:52<Seraph> Hi Ani
7 Shendare
Last talked: 11.3. 6:05
Visits: 12
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 546
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 78
Average letters per line: 58,4
Number of descriptions: 5
Question ratio: 14%
Exclamation ratio: 6,8%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Alter-ego nicks used: 3  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
11.3. 6:04<Shendare> "The bigger the nose, the bigger the hose." Never heard the expression?
6:05<Shendare> The implication is that one has a powerful firehose between one's legs.
10:00*** Shendare has quit IRC (Quit: Sleeeeeeep!)
8 Pol
Last talked: 11.3. 10:08
Visits: 12
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 531
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 76
Average letters per line: 24,3
Number of descriptions: 10
Topics set: 2
CAPS ratio: 0,9%
Question ratio: 7,5%
Exclamation ratio: 8,1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Alter-ego nicks used: 3  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
11.3. 9:46<Pol> Hells yeah you are Liathiana :D
9:46<Pol> and now that I added that, I should join as well. :D
9:47<Pol> I'm so there!
10:08<Pol> Hey Stephan
12:46*** Pol has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
9 Ajailyn
Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah
Last talked: 11.3. 23:58
Visits: 7
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 528
Days active: 6/7
Average lines per day: 88
Average letters per line: 33,5
Number of descriptions: 25
Question ratio: 9,5%
Exclamation ratio: 4,4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Alter-ego nicks used: 5  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
11.3. 23:57<Ajailyn> or anyone who could sing
23:57<Ajailyn> well not could but did sing
23:58<Ajailyn> the second act was what made the whole thing worth it
10 Laralelle
Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
Last talked: 11.3. 23:35
Visits: 17
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 518
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 74
Average letters per line: 23,6
Number of descriptions: 19
Question ratio: 17%
Exclamation ratio: 7,5%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  Alter-ego nicks used: 8  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Other (4)
Recent activity
11.3. 23:35<Lara|Cooking> hehehehe
23:35<Lara|Cooking> sounds like i'm an addict
23:35<Lara|Cooking> but really i'm just going to go make pizza >.>

Mentioned the most Wheel of Time references:

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Jeffy  23 "Just not paying attention to #wheel!"
2 Seraph  16 "You missed my brilliant story!"
3 WilCambrae  13 "Kass, when am I not recruiting?"
4 Shaerlyn  11 "maybe cause I'm always giggling when I'm in #wheel"
5 Vendri  10 "I feel the same way Lexie Sedai. I have never won a luck-based contest in my life."
6 Onis Oleia  10 "Tian: You could use the ticket to fly to visit some Tower friends?"
7 Shendare  9 "JD at TarValon.net is James Davion. JD at Dragonmount is Justen Diablos. JD here at work is me...."
8 Zimone  6 "arie did you and james meet through the tower?"
9 Kerwin  6 "i cant wait to see what Erin sedai think about my choice for male SM to post an entertaining text..."
10 Laralelle  6 "#wheel is quiet tonight..."

Top 10 smiley using guys on #wheel

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Shaerlyn  140 "hey #wheel, how U doin? ;)"
2 Pol  72 "Hi Onis. :)"
3 Amarande  61 "Night Kass <3 *snugglekisses* sleep well :D"
4 Imzadi  55 "Oh, I love the picture Jeffy :D"
5 Seraph  54 "Jeffy, you could do like I did and talk about the series so much and so often that people decide..."
6 Onis Oleia  54 "On the long drive from WI to CO and back to WI, and on the plane home from WI/Newark, I'll have..."
7 WilCambrae  44 "hey Shaerlyn :D *snugs*"
8 DarianC  44 "Cheeseburgers... :)"
9 Qamra  41 "i'm doing purty good :) you?"
10 Nymala  39 "Go on, DC, say "unga bung" just once ;)"

Top 10 greeting people

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Imzadi  85 "hi Alyria"
2 Kassidy  46 "Hi Shaerlyn :D"
3 Onis Oleia  39 "hi riT"
4 Pol  38 "Hi Seraph :D"
5 Laralelle  33 "hi DarianC"
6 Seraph  24 "Hello Kass"
7 DarianC  18 "Hi <3"
8 Nymala  17 "hi Eli"
9 Moah  16 "Hi there Knitter extraordinaire!"
10 Vendri  13 "Hello Wil, and yes I am!"

#wheel's cool guys

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Shaerlyn  6 "Is it sad or cool I'm planning a Halloween party now? I've never had one before and I've decided..."
2 Vendri  4 "oh, cool! Guess I should look at that one when I get to that point in the community"
3 riT-k0MA  3 "And I'm getting this cooler: http://www.edenpc.co.za/shop/index.php?route=product/product&produ..."
4 Qamra  3 "I have to drain the entire cooling system and *ugh*"
5 Jeffy  3 "Cool."
6 Ajailyn  3 "yea hense why pretty not cool :P"
7 WilCambrae  2 "sorry, wanted to be one of the cool kids"
8 Shendare  2 "Gimmicky, but cool. http://youtu.be/ZIGzpi9lCck"
9 Laralelle  2 "ooo does that mean ipad 2 will go down in price? because i'd be cool with that"
10 Ennairam  2 "I'm coming down with the flu. Apart from that, good :) I bought a jacket, and I'm not sure if it's cool..."

#wheel's short line writers

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Jeffy  266 ">_>"
2 DarianC  265 "lol"
3 WilCambrae  111 "heheh"
4 Seraph  109 ":D"
5 Pol  104 ":P"
6 Doneavan  103 ":P"
7 Shaerlyn  96 "wait"
8 Imzadi  93 ":)"
9 Zashara  81 "yo"
10 Tian  81 "haha"

Big Numbers

Most custom quit messages
Nick amount Sample Quote
1. Zashara 8 Remote host closed the connection
Jeffy seemed to prefer talking to himself, writing over 5 lines in a row 11 times...
7.3.2012 20:12 - 20:24 was a busy time for #wheel - 14 people active
Active users during this 12-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 Jeffy, Ennairam, DarianC, Kerwin, Shendare, Onis Oleia, Raam, Stephan, Kazayha, Laralelle, Hanajima, Deoan, Zimone, Tazren
Amarande wrote the longest lines - average of 73 letters per line.

(typically people used 33 letters per line in #wheel)

People with the most nicknames (still haven't found the best one, Laralelle...)
Laralelle8 Nicks Laralelle(49%), Lara|Work(24%), Lara|Crochet(16%), Lara|Working(5,2%), Lara|laundry(3,7%), Lara|Cooking(0,6%), Lara|Coking(0,0%), Lara|Cleaning(0,0%)
DarianC8 Nicks DarianC(96%), Darian|cookin(1,3%), Darian|lunck(0,9%), DairianC(0,8%), Darian|Noms(0,4%), Darian|omnomnom(0,0%), Darian|bbiab(0,0%), Darian|store(0,0%)
Amarande7 Nicks Amarande(100%), Ama|noms(0,0%), Ama|taxes(0,0%), Ama|afk(0,0%), Ama|shower(0,0%), Ama|BUSY(0,0%), Ama|kitchen(0,0%)
Jeffy7 Nicks Jeffy(78%), Jeff|WORK(20%), Jeff|ERRANDS(0,2%), Jeff|READ(0,0%), Jeff|MOVIE(0,0%), Jeff|OUT(0,0%), Jeff|BADGES(0,0%)
Qamra6 Nicks Qamra(87%), Qam-WoW(12%), Qam-foooooood(0,0%), Qam-afk(0,0%), Qam-Forsa(0,0%), Qam-away(0,0%)

Chat partners

(they really like talking to each other...)

1 VendriWilCambrae
2 SeraphWilCambrae
3 DarianCWilCambrae
4 TianWilCambrae
5 DarianCJeffy
6 DarianCShaerlyn
7 DoneavanWilCambrae
8 DoneavanTian
9 JeffyShaerlyn
10 PrelilleShaerlyn

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days
1 Zashara  7
2 Pol  7
3 Imzadi  7
4 Onis Oleia  7
5 WilCambrae  7
6 Moah  7
7 Nymala  7
8 Shendare  7
9 Nandi  7
10 Karaelyn  7
11 Zimone  7
12 DarianC  7
13 Jeffy  7
14 Seraph  7
15 Kassidy  7
16 Laralelle  7
17 Dria  6
18 Raam  6
19 SeanD  6
20 Kazayha  6

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At
1 Zimone  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
2 DarianC  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
3 Nandi  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
4 Karaelyn  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
5 Kassidy  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
6 Laralelle  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
7 Jeffy  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
8 Seraph  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
9 Imzadi  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
10 Onis Oleia  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
11 Zashara  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
12 Pol  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
13 Nymala  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
14 Shendare  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
15 WilCambrae  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
16 Moah  7 5.3. - 11.3.2012
17 SeanD  6 5.3. - 10.3.2012
18 Vallah  6 5.3. - 10.3.2012
19 Kerwin  6 5.3. - 10.3.2012
20 Anigrel  5 7.3. - 11.3.2012

Activity distribution

11/2011 - 3/2012

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0,8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (0,8%)
6 (5,0%)
6 (5,0%)
6 (5,0%)
15 (12%)
20 (17%)
20 (17%)
14 (12%)
14 (12%)
7 (5,8%)
3 (2,5%)
4 (3,3%)
3 (2,5%)
1 (0,8%)

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
55.. 4 Amarande(72,5), Shendare(58,4), Vendri(57,2), Mical(57,0)
50..54 0 -
45..49 0 -
40..44 2 Ennairam(42,8), Onis Oleia(41,8)
35..39 4 Kerwin(38,7), Deoan(38,4), Vallah(36,7), Ariana(36,0)
30..34 9 Shaerlyn(34,1), SeanD(33,6), Ajailyn(33,5), Prelille(33,3), Alyria(32,2), ...
25..29 4 Kassidy(28,6), Tian(27,6), Adolla(27,4), DarianC(26,2)
..24 11 Jeffy(24,8), North(24,7), Pol(24,3), Doneavan(23,9), Laralelle(23,6), Z...

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

Most frequently repeated words at #wheel:

Count Word Last used by At
123 "because" Ajailyn 11.3. 23:51
121 "something" Ennairam 11.3. 22:57
120 "actually" Ajailyn 11.3. 23:57
80 "awesome" Shaerlyn 11.3. 19:02
80 "probably" Ajailyn 11.3. 22:59
73 "someone" Shaerlyn 11.3. 23:50
69 "morning" Kerna 11.3. 21:44
63 "thought" Shaerlyn 11.3. 19:11
60 "Remember" Pol 11.3. 9:43
60 "Everyone" Melisande 11.3. 21:09

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
162 "Pol" Onis Oleia 11.3. 9:44
158 "Jeffy" Lauraine 11.3. 21:30
85 "Seraph" Kassidy 11.3. 23:06
79 "Kassidy" Seraph 11.3. 23:14
76 "Vendri" Onis Oleia 10.3. 7:49

These people have a distinctive choice of words...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
9 Onis Oleia "dentist"(5), "Darian*"(4), "grandma"(4), "Private"(3), "*smiles*"(3), "approach"(3), ...
9 Jeffy "Hateful"(6), "extreme"(4), "eligible"(3), "barbecue"(3), "Galadriel"(4), "fantastic"(3), ...
8 Shendare "Capture"(5), "Student"(3), "spoiled"(3), "tooltip"(3), "headline"(4), "antimony"(3), ...
5 Vendri "extremely"(10), "daniels"(3), "re-read"(3), "everytime"(3), "step-brother"(3)
3 WilCambrae "welkies"(3), "Elandria"(5), "generation"(5)
3 North "medical"(3), "Tifferly"(3), "PseudoNihm"(4)
2 DarianC "*tacklessnuggleshugglesandloveson*"(4), ...
2 Prelille "spelled"(3), "positive"(3)

These pairs have a language all to themselves
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
6 Onis Oleia and Shendare "options"(3), "extended"(4), "bringing"(4), "everybody"(5), "compatible"(3), ...
6 Onis Oleia and Ennairam "website"(4), "genders"(3), "selling"(3), "authors"(3), "Soldiers"(3), "publishers"(5)
6 Shendare and Amarande "whether"(6), "related"(3), "devices"(3), "attempts"(3), "standards"(4), "disappeared"(3)
5 Shendare and Vendri "product"(5), "Passion"(3), "familiar"(4), "threepio"(3), "somebody"(3)
5 Shendare and Deoan "storage"(3), "attacks"(3), "tracking"(3), "considered"(4), "timestamps"(3)
5 DarianC and Vendri "stabbed"(3), "studder"(3), "stabbing"(5), "waitress"(3), "headaches"(3)
4 Shaerlyn and Shendare "guessed"(4), "rendered"(3), "reference"(3), "priorities"(3)
4 Jeffy and Vendri "flaming"(3), "forever"(3), "hilarious"(8), "christian"(3)
4 Jeffy and Seraph "dancing"(5), "minions"(4), "understood"(4), "delightful"(3)
3 Pol and Vendri "reports"(3), "hitting"(3), "chances"(3)

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #wheel

At URL Nick
11.3. 20:33http://twitpic.com/8ulomnMoah
 First mentioned by Onis Oleia on 5.3. 6:52. Used 6 times.
 First mentioned by Jeffy on 11.3. 1:56.
10.3. 23:51http://i.imgur.com/cfpyX.pngJeryn
 First mentioned by Imzadi on 10.3. 22:22.
21:03http://michaelhyatt.com/why-do-ebooks-cost-so-much.htmlOnis Oleia

20 random URLs
At URL First used by
10.3. 20:05http://xkcd.com/1023/Shendare
10.3. 17:23http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/seanusmcfl/9d1a1907.jpgSeanD
10.3. 12:53http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/japanfan/9de7/?srp=1Kassidy
10.3. 7:37http://loadingreadyrun.com/videos/view/1206/Friday-Nights-In-CommandWilCambrae
9.3. 22:41http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAitv8MhO4k&feature=shareMoah
9.3. 7:18http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Corellian_TrilogyWilCambrae
9.3. 3:56http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/carys-maple-syrup-sugar-free-231...WilCambrae
9.3. 3:17https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/421922_3462...Ajailyn
8.3. 21:09http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/dangerroom/2012/03/lesslethal.jpgSeanD
8.3. 21:01http://flydenver.com/shopdetails?TYPE=SHOP&URI=tcm:8-1085Onis Oleia
8.3. 21:00http://flydenver.com/shopdetails?TYPE=SHOP&URI=tcm:8-968Onis Oleia
8.3. 17:04http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyPKNEgsFxoShendare
8.3. 3:54http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MwrRYEx9GK4/TfTMnrE6CdI/AAAAAAAAAQk/itJiGqy...WilCambrae
7.3. 20:14random.org
 Used 2 times.
7.3. 19:23http://www.engadget.com/2012/03/07/the-new-ipad-is-official/Shendare
7.3. 15:32http://www.csmonitor.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/content/2012...Kerwin
7.3. 5:43http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/421363_10150605272268581_56489...WilCambrae
5.3. 21:48http://cdn.unicornbooty.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Who-Said-It-Mr.-Burn...Jeffy
5.3. 8:09http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/travelpower/e81a/WilCambrae
5.3. 4:04http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r180/khisanthsedai/Fun%20Stuff/Khisroom.jpgSerenla

181 unique URLs collected between 5.3.2012 and 11.3.2012

The dominant gender on #wheel

  Gender Lines Written Nicks
1 Boys 7612 Jeffy(18,8%), WilCambrae(11,0%), DarianC(10,2%), ...
2 Girls 7007 Onis Oleia(10,8%), Shaerlyn(10,0%), Seraph(8,99%), ...

(guaranteed 89,9% accurate)

The most active #wheel-cities

  City Lines Written Inhabitants
1 Garrison 4816 Jeffy(29,7%), WilCambrae(17,5%), DarianC(16,1%), ...
2 The Ajah Quarters 4110 Onis Oleia(18,3%), Ajailyn(12,8%), Laralelle(12,6%), ...
3 Dormitory 1932 Seraph(32,6%), Imzadi(18,8%), Kassidy(16,8%), Nymala(15,0%), ...
4 Barracks 1771 Shendare(30,8%), Pol(30,0%), Kerwin(14,2%), Mical(7,06%), ...
5 Tar Valon 1503 Shaerlyn(46,4%), Vendri(31,1%), Prelille(17,8%), Alkeis(4,72%)
6 Chat 487 North

(guaranteed 89,9% accurate)

Team activity comparison

  Team Lines Written Members
1 Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar 3877 Jeffy(36,9%), WilCambrae(21,7%), DarianC(20,0%), ...
2 Accepted 1608 Seraph(39,2%), Imzadi(22,6%), Nymala(18,0%), Nandi(6,41%), ...
3 Citizen 1503 Shaerlyn(46,4%), Vendri(31,1%), Prelille(17,8%), Alkeis(4,72%)
4 Soldier 1462 Shendare(37,3%), Pol(36,3%), Mical(8,55%), Jasyn(4,79%), ...
5 Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah 1085 Ajailyn(48,7%), Ennairam(24,0%), Alyria(20,1%), ...
6 Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah 1002 Onis Oleia(75,2%), Vallah(12,1%), Melisande(8,88%), ...
7 Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah 835 Zashara(61,4%), Adolla(14,5%), Lillian(11,4%), Narysse(8,74%), ...
8 Gaidin of Dai M'Hael 805 Deoan(45,1%), Moah(24,1%), Amarande(17,8%), ...
9 Aes Sedai of the White Ajah 542 Laralelle(95,6%), Enya(4,43%)
10 Visitor 487 North

(guaranteed 89,9% accurate)

1. Main page2. Detailed info
Daily statsPersonal stats
Hourly statsCustom stats
User statsBIG numbers
Time of day statsChat partners
Relation mapActive days
TopicsActivity distribution
Long term statsLine lengths
 Word stats
URL tracking
Gender stats
City stats
Team stats

mIRCStats v1.24 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen