#wheel statistics generated by mejjad

Statistics cover Monday 22.12.2014 to Sunday 28.12.2014
43 people visited #wheel during this 7-day reporting period

1. Main page | 2. Detailed info

Daily chat activity








22.12. 23.12. 24.12. 25.12. 26.12. 27.12. 28.12.

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24

#wheel hourly stats

5,5% 4,8% 2,8% 9,3% 5,1% 1,0% 1,1% 0,3% 0,8% 0,6% 1,0% 1,5% 0,2% 0,8% 1,5% 5,8% 8,5% 8,8% 5,3% 7,4% 8,9% 9,2% 6,2% 3,5%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

The most active nicks

(Nicks sorted by number of lines written)

  Nick Line Count Random Quote
1 @Mendo 862 "Morning worleyTheElf"
2 Mejjad 523 "Mendo|afk: I'm having trouble logging on to the server"
3 WilCambrae 491 "I'm glad I wasn't the one driving back lol"
4 Ahmyra 394 "I am soooo not ok with life today"
5 Thaumiel 345 "well that's a good thing, but does it have to be so painful..."
6 worleygurl 286 "Nymala consider trying apple cider vinegar, honey and cinnamon? wonde..."
7 Maresa 265 "I have two little hairs that insist on growing out of my chin"
8 Wilin 260 "Jeryn, you're the only ten I see <3"
9 Jeffy 248 "Oooh, I didn't spawn any bats."
10 Zandera 243 "Ary that used to happen to me too. Caffeine would make me tired. :p"
11 @Amarande 221 "4 mainline SMT games (although 1 and 2 are only available in Japanese..."
12 @Aryawnah 196 "And the stairs to my office may prove a challenge as well."
13 Roheryn 138 "and if I can't get her, I don't want to fall for her anymore"
14 @Nymala 129 "My aunt is 4'11" and she used to drive large SUV like that"
15 Alyria 104 "I have had bigger dinners than my car :("
16 @Jeryn 102 "will people be offended when they read my message on facebook?..."
17 Roland 96 "To the coast for christmas with the family"
18 Sabriane 76 "boo for burnt but yay for yums"
19 Mychael 70 "=o whose babies? unless by babies you mean horses"
20 Leo 58 "I hope you feel better soon *hug*"
21 Nandi 51 "popcorn is evil that way"
22 CobraKhan007 40 "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ0LMVAV9Rk"

These people wrote less than 40 lines:
@Deoan (28) Laralelle (26) Morri (18) Grimketill (15) Asandra (12) Liathiana (10)
Leira (10) SakiSedai (7) Bao (7) TyRoh (4) Naeris (4) Shara (1)
Paxam (1) Narysse (1) Mirindyin (1) mib zhy5vc (1) mib a8ynsx (1) Guest48568 (1)
Dnae (1) Defen (1) Daegan (1)

Time of day stats

(Hours 0-6)
Early birds
(Hours 6-12)
Afternoon shift
(Hours 12-18)
Evening chatters
(Hours 18-24)
1WilCambrae - 270
Mejjad - 112
Mendo - 277
Mendo - 474
2Maresa - 140
Thaumiel - 49
Mejjad - 246
Thaumiel - 213
3Roheryn - 135
WilCambrae - 32
worleygurl - 141
Ahmyra - 212
4Mendo - 111
Leo - 29
Jeffy - 128
Zandera - 186
5Wilin - 107
Maresa - 18
Ahmyra - 86
Mejjad - 163
6Roland - 96
Wilin - 17
Thaumiel - 83
WilCambrae - 149
7Ahmyra - 96
Liathiana - 10
Sabriane - 67
Aryawnah - 111
8Amarande - 79
Alyria - 7
Zandera - 57
worleygurl - 104
9Jeffy - 76
Amarande - 4
Wilin - 53
Maresa - 104
10Alyria - 75
Jeffy - 3
Aryawnah - 52
Amarande - 88

#wheel relation map

#wheel relation map generated by mIRCStats v1.24
• Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength
• Line colors show the relation importance for each nick
  More important           Less important

Topic tracking

20 latest topics from #wheel

At Topic Nick
25.12. 22:42Welcome to #Wheel! | Guidelines: goo.gl/Eam2aI | Chat Stats: www.mejjad.seNymala
24.12. 17:15Welcome to #Wheel! | Guidelines: goo.gl/Eam2aI | Mejjad's Chat Stats: www.mej...Deoan
16:31Welcome to #Wheel! | Guidelines: goo.gl/Eam2aI | SM's, please take the mentor...Mendo
15.12. 5:22Welcome to #Wheel! | Guidelines: goo.gl/Eam2aI | SM's, please take the mentor...Nymala
19.11. 16:18Welcome to #Wheel! | Guidelines: goo.gl/Eam2aI | Congrats to Kairina and Loraella...Nymala
18.11. 17:20Welcome to #Wheel! | Guidelines: goo.gl/Eam2aI | Congrats to Kairina and Loraella...Nymala
15.4.2012 22:44[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to the new...Zashara
22:43[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to the new...Zashara
20:34[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to our new...Murasaki
14.4.2012 1:16[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to our new...Zashara
13.4.2012 17:58[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to our new...Jeffy
11.4.2012 18:13[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to our new...Jeffy
18:10[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to our new...Jeffy
8.4.2012 18:05[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to our new...Amarande
5.4.2012 18:10[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to our new...Jeffy
4.4.2012 23:09[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to our new...Jeffy
2.4.2012 20:14[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Lots of raisings and bondings...Kazayha
26.3.2012 23:35[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations to Lauraine...Jeffy
12:35[Welcome to #wheel, keep things family-friendly!] Admin Meeting Agenda in...Kazayha
24.3.2012 3:44[Welcome to #wheel, make sure to keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations...Amarande

20 random topics
At Topic Nick
19.3.2012 1:51[Welcome to #wheel, make sure to keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations...Jeffy
16.3.2012 18:32[Welcome to #wheel, make sure to keep things family-friendly!] Congratulations...Amarande
11.3.2012 9:45Welcome to #wheel, make sure to keep things PG-13!] Go vote in the final...Pol
5.3.2012 6:21[Welcome to #wheel, make sure to keep things PG-13!] Go nominate people...Jeffy
17.2.2012 1:59[Welcome to #wheel, make sure to keep things PG-13!] Congratulations to...Melisande
7.2.2012 19:52[Welcome to #wheel, make sure to keep things PG-13!] It's the Free Week...Jeff|WORK
3.2.2012 8:14[Welcome to #wheel, make sure to keep things PG-13!] It's the Charity Event...Jeffy
18.1.2012 16:08[Welcome to #wheel, make sure to keep things PG-13!] Congrats to Recruit...Mejjad
11.1.2012 14:06Congratulations to Soldiers Mical & Tazren, the new OA team, Accepted...Zimone
2.1.2012 22:06Congrats to our new Hall & Mods, and to the new CC of SDS: Sean! Congra...Mejjad
30.12.2011 3:56A Memory of Light has been FINISHED! Congratulations to Hanajima, our new...Amarande
28.12.2011 14:38A Memory of Light has been FINISHED! Congratulations to Hanajima, our new...Zimone
17.12.2011 19:16Congratulations to SOLDIER Pol, Lauraine SEDAI of the Green Ajah and Hanajima...Jeffy
17.12.2011 3:23Congratulations to Lauraine SEDAI of the Green Ajah, Hanajima SEDAI of the...Jeffy
13.12.2011 21:59Our Feast of Lights charity drive has begun - see SA for more information...Jeff|Merits
10.12.2011 2:58Our Feast of Lights charity has begun - see SA for more information on how...Jeffy
6.12.2011 19:10Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeffy
4.12.2011 13:46Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...Jeryn
1.12.2011 23:53Our Feast of Lights charity has begun! See SA for more information on how...DarianC
14.11.2011 3:32Congratulations to Jodea Sedai, our new Director of Community Outreach!...Jeffy

161 topic changes since 14.11.2011

Long term statistics - two month sections


11 - 12
1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10
11 - 12
Line total: 398958
Estimated number of lines for current section: 26420 lines

The most active day so far has been Thursday 5.4.2012 with a line count of 5364

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 Word stats
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This page was created on 28.12.2014 21:57 with mIRCStats v1.24
Run time: 7 seconds. English language file done by Ave & GreenReaper
mIRCStats is © 1998-2014 by Mikko "Ave" Auvinen