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Personal stats

1  Ninya Evoneigh
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
Last talked: 26.10. 6:24
Visits: 50
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 1074
Active days: 18/31
Average lines per day: 60
Average letters per line: 33,0
Number of descriptions: 83
Question ratio: 5,2%
Exclamation ratio: 1,2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Amarande al'Kalin
Kerwin Thaumiel
Wil Cambrae
Karassa Souladrin
Recent activity
26.10. 2:05*** Ninya has joined #wheel
2:11*** Ninya has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2:23*** Ninya has joined #wheel
2:29*** Ninya has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
2:43*** Ninya has joined #wheel
4:41<Ninya> meow
6:24<Ninya> yar.
19:17*** Ninya has quit IRC (Quit:)
31.10. 5:23*** Ninya has joined #wheel
7:57*** Ninya has quit IRC (Quit:)
2 Amarande al'Kalin
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
Last talked: 31.10. 22:04
Visits: 41
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 965
Active days: 30/31
Average lines per day: 32
Average letters per line: 75,2
Number of descriptions: 5
Topics set: 15
Question ratio: 7,2%
Exclamation ratio: 1,1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Ninya Evoneigh
Kerwin Thaumiel
Mendo Cath
Mejjad Martnandi
Wil Cambrae
Recent activity
31.10. 3:12<Amarande> Evening Saki :)
3:12<Amarande> Trivia?
3:15<Amarande> Evening Soro :) Trivia?
4:49*** Amarande has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
16:03*** Amarande has joined #wheel
16:06<Amarande> G'morning :)
16:35*** Amarande has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
22:02*** Amarande has joined #wheel
22:03<Amarande> G'afternoon :)
22:04<Amarande> Ahmyra :)
3 Mejjad Martnandi
City: Barracks
Last talked: 31.10. 14:04
Visits: 2
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 939
Active days: 29/31
Average lines per day: 32
Average letters per line: 30,1
Number of descriptions: 5
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 7,5%
Exclamation ratio: 8,2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 2  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Kerwin Thaumiel
Wilin Stoneriver
Amarande al'Kalin
Iria Saronin
Alyccea Nymaessene
Recent activity
31.10. 13:14<mejjad> morning
14:04<mejjad> 1 more hour of work and then it's weekend
14:04<mejjad> iria: didn't get the job
4 Mendo Cath
City: Barracks
Last talked: 31.10. 21:11
Visits: 2
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 813
Active days: 28/31
Average lines per day: 29
Average letters per line: 27,2
Number of descriptions: 16
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 8,0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 7  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Other (3)
Amarande al'Kalin
Wil Cambrae
Alyccea Nymaessene
Wilin Stoneriver
Kerwin Thaumiel
Recent activity
31.10. 17:04<mendo> Her programming prevents her from hurting others.
17:57<mendo> woot
21:11<mendo> o/ Jeryn_ how are you?
5 Kerwin Thaumiel
City: Barracks
Last talked: 24.10. 20:28
Visits: 12
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 637
Active days: 16/31
Average lines per day: 40
Average letters per line: 49,7
Number of descriptions: 13
Question ratio: 10%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 5  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Ninya Evoneigh
Amarande al'Kalin
Mejjad Martnandi
Nyavene al'Meer
Recent activity
24.10. 20:25<thaumiel> installing computers, configure compures for a roll out project, they are getting new computers.
20:28<thaumiel> but it's better than nothing :)
25.10. 7:02*** thaumiel has quit IRC (Quit:)
6 Karassa Souladrin
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
Last talked: 31.10. 17:16
Visits: 24
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 569
Active days: 16/31
Average lines per day: 36
Average letters per line: 48,3
Number of descriptions: 19
Question ratio: 8,4%
Exclamation ratio: 20%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Ninya Evoneigh
Brandon Tataru
Mejjad Martnandi
Ahmyra al'Ruley
Kerwin Thaumiel
Recent activity
31.10. 17:16<karassa sedai> so I can't squash it.
17:16<karassa sedai> also, it's up high.
17:16<karassa sedai> I turned the lights off, so it's moving towards the door/window, and is no longer over my head, so that's good.
19:05*** karassa sedai has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
7 Wil Cambrae
City: Garrison
Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
Last talked: 31.10. 3:16
Visits: 40
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 565
Active days: 25/31
Average lines per day: 23
Average letters per line: 36,0
Number of descriptions: 45
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 2,1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Ninya Evoneigh
Mendo Cath
Alyccea Nymaessene
Wilin Stoneriver
Nymala Ingasy
Recent activity
31.10. 1:55*** WilCambrae has joined #wheel
2:03<WilCambrae> hey Ama
2:28<WilCambrae> \o mendo
2:34* WilCambrae snugs Nym
2:40<WilCambrae> Ahmyra :D
3:06<WilCambrae> saki JmL
3:13<WilCambrae> yup
3:16<WilCambrae> mixed bag
5:19*** WilCambrae has quit IRC (Quit: “There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”)
8 Wilin Stoneriver
City: Tar Valon
Last talked: 30.10. 4:40
Visits: 56
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 514
Active days: 25/31
Average lines per day: 21
Average letters per line: 31,3
Number of descriptions: 11
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 4,3%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 2  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Mejjad Martnandi
Wil Cambrae
Ninya Evoneigh
Amarande al'Kalin
Mendo Cath
Recent activity
30.10. 4:40*** Wilin has joined #wheel
4:40<Wilin> do you ever feel like everyone is conspiring against you, and then realize that they have no reason to do so?
5:13*** Wilin has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
9 Myra|Work
Last talked: 23.10. 20:32
Visits: 13
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 509
Active days: 13/31
Average lines per day: 39
Average letters per line: 25,8
Number of descriptions: 69
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 10%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 3  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Brandon Tataru
Kerwin Thaumiel
Ninya Evoneigh
Amarande al'Kalin
Jeryn Lekar
Recent activity
23.10. 20:25<Myra|Work> Not sure who does that
20:26<Myra|Work> I'm jelly
20:27<Myra|Work> Nope...
20:27<Myra|Work> In limbo
20:30<Myra|Work> Didn't really plan with anyone to be honest....
20:32<Myra|Work> ?
21:07*** Myra|Work is now known as Myra|AFK
10 Brandon Tataru
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
Last talked: 31.10. 15:26
Visits: 28
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 435
Active days: 23/31
Average lines per day: 19
Average letters per line: 31,4
Number of descriptions: 58
Question ratio: 7,8%
Exclamation ratio: 11%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Roheryn Galghandhrei
Karassa Souladrin
Dnae Ila
Kerwin Thaumiel
Recent activity
31.10. 15:24* Brandon falls asleep
15:26<Brandon> What do you want to buy
15:26<Brandon> ?*
15:26<Brandon> oic
15:34*** Brandon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
11  Alyccea Nymaessene
City: Dormitory
Last talked: 24.10. 15:20
Visits: 10
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 428
Active days: 8/31
Average lines per day: 54
Average letters per line: 43,4
Number of descriptions: 12
CAPS ratio: 0,7%
Question ratio: 15%
Exclamation ratio: 14%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 2  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Wil Cambrae
Mendo Cath
Iria Saronin
Mejjad Martnandi
Jeryn Lekar
Recent activity
24.10. 15:20<Alyccea> lol... I've had my 5x5x5 cube arranged in a target pattern for so long that when I re-solved it, the squares had faded differently
15:20<Alyccea> now there are spots on all the sides
15:20<Alyccea> awkward!
15:30*** Alyccea has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
12 Iria Saronin
City: Tar Valon
Last talked: 31.10. 18:23
Visits: 6
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 424
Active days: 22/31
Average lines per day: 19
Average letters per line: 39,9
Number of descriptions: 15
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 18%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 2  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Kerwin Thaumiel
Mejjad Martnandi
Jeryn Lekar
Recent activity
31.10. 18:22<iria> but now, the dinner! -->
18:22*** iria is now known as iriafk
18:22<iriafk> awwwww :D
18:23<iriafk> well I don't know how to create those, either :(
13 Jeryn Lekar
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
Last talked: 31.10. 21:13
Visits: 40
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 369
Active days: 28/31
Average lines per day: 13
Average letters per line: 20,2
Opped people 1 times
Number of descriptions: 40
Topics set: 1
CAPS ratio: 1,6%
Question ratio: 8,1%
Exclamation ratio: 13%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Iria Saronin
Kerwin Thaumiel
Alyccea Nymaessene
Mejjad Martnandi
Recent activity
30.10. 22:11*** Jeryn has joined #wheel
22:25<Jeryn> Hi.
31.10. 2:08*** Jeryn has left #wheel
21:10*** Jeryn has joined #wheel
21:13<Jeryn> Hi.
14 Nyavene al'Meer
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
Last talked: 30.10. 19:17
Visits: 44
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 306
Active days: 18/31
Average lines per day: 17
Average letters per line: 42,5
Number of descriptions: 37
CAPS ratio: 0,7%
Question ratio: 17%
Exclamation ratio: 12%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 5  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Kerwin Thaumiel
Ninya Evoneigh
Amarande al'Kalin
Mejjad Martnandi
Recent activity
30.10. 19:11<Nyavene> I'm alright. Stressing about Uni stuff, but otherwise good
19:15<Nyavene> When does trivia start?
19:16<Nyavene> GMT?
19:17<Nyavene> *googles*
19:17<Nyavene> GMT -4
19:17<Nyavene> I'm GMT +2
20:13*** Nyavene has quit IRC (Quit:)
15 Ahmyra al'Ruley
City: Dormitory
Last talked: 31.10. 22:22
Visits: 29
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 301
Active days: 18/31
Average lines per day: 17
Average letters per line: 24,5
Number of descriptions: 28
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 9,0%
Exclamation ratio: 13%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 20 days  Number of nicks used: 2  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

19.10.- 26.10.- 2.11.- 
Brandon Tataru
Karassa Souladrin
Roheryn Galghandhrei
Shaerlyn Storna
Recent activity
31.10. 22:03<Ahmyra|Work> Hey Ama
22:22<Ahmyra|Work> well I am done work and off to see about my truck.
22:22<Ahmyra|Work> see you Tuesday!
22:22*** Ahmyra|Work has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

Played with Bela the most!

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Brandon Tataru  28 "!fish Mendo"
2 Mejjad Martnandi  20 "!mejjad"
3 Myra|Work  18 "!ahmyra Amarande and Jeryn_"
4 Mendo Cath  15 "!commands"
5 Ahmyra al'Ruley  14 "!elania"
6 Jeryn Lekar  8 "!jeryn"
7 Nandi el'Shahir  6 "!nandi Nymala&WilCambrae"
8 Vendri al'Varrak  5 "!wild mendo"
9 Iria Saronin  5 "!dance Chaelca"
10 Marivea al'Corriyi  4 "!wilin Marivea"
11 Elania al'Manir  4 "!google OWA"
12 Wil Cambrae  3 "!seen Ninya"
13 Paxam Leratharn  3 "!totm"
14 Nymala Ingasy  3 "!nandi2 Nandi"
15 Nyavene al'Meer  3 "!dnae"

Mentioned the most Wheel of Time references:

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Amarande al'Kalin  18 "*sigh* it's such a pity I have to be a responsible op and this is #wheel, or I could so have fun with
Thaumiel's question LOL"
2 Kerwin Thaumiel  15 "I go to tower events to have fun and spend time with other tower people."
3 Myra|Work  13 "darlin, you are in the White Tower.... you put yourself in the hornets nest..."
4 Brandon Tataru  12 "Well I have Sanderson himself."
5 Mendo Cath  10 "its more about tower (tvnet) history and rules"
6 Iria Saronin  10 "Those WoT teas sounded pretty nice"
7 Mejjad Martnandi  9 "\o karassa_sedai"
8 Ninya Evoneigh  7 "so in 2014 when it dumped snow right after my son was born, the entire city shut down. It WAS
brilliant. ^_^"
9 Chaelca  7 "i don't think anyone uses his/her real name in dragonmount lol"
10 Wilin Stoneriver  6 "at least garrison is"
11 Soronhen Ciryaher  6 "night wheel"
12 Nyavene al'Meer  6 "Hi Myra Sedai ;) Congrats!"
13 Irinia  6 "We will be waiting to welcome you in the Tower :)"
14 Benjamin  6 "Probably why i'm not much on the grey tower and the like"
15 Marivea al'Corriyi  5 "Did you come across #wheel from our website or hear about it elsewhere?"

Top 15 smiley using guys on #wheel

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Amarande al'Kalin  258 "basically, be nice and don't use the words you can't say on television :D"
2 Kerwin Thaumiel  137 "oh nice split, I have not seen them in a while :)"
3 Iria Saronin  89 "Could it be generated automatically? I thought it was :D"
4 Mejjad Martnandi  58 "dhs sounds better :) 64.9 billion usd"
5 Wil Cambrae  43 "hiya Dnae :)"
6 Nyavene al'Meer  36 "Hey Ama :)"
7 Wilin Stoneriver  29 "ooooooh, Malala movie :D"
8 Irinia  23 "no, I am here since March of 2013...have experienced some fun ones :D"
9 Alyccea Nymaessene  23 "I'll bet! I'm glad I got to tell them first :D"
10 Karassa Souladrin  22 "I'm just hoping for heated seats. =)"
11 Jas'yn Al'Dragoran  22 "waves :)"
12 Nymala Ingasy  21 "Good to see you, too :)"
13 Myra|Work  21 "Always good :D"
14 Mendo Cath  20 ":D"
15 Jeryn Lekar  20 "Elania: I see you enjoyed my shenanigans with Mendo in the steam group thread! :D"

Top 15 greeting people

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Nymala Ingasy  61 "hi Ama"
2 Mendo Cath  42 "o/ Amarande Jeryn_"
3 Iria Saronin  32 "morning, Thaumiel :)"
4 Mejjad Martnandi  31 "morning D;"
5 Kerwin Thaumiel  28 "morning iria"
6 Alyccea Nymaessene  22 "hi everyone! happy saturday!"
7 Nyavene al'Meer  18 "Hello Zanus, Myra and Wil! :D"
8 Jas'yn Al'Dragoran  15 "hi Nym"
9 Irinia  15 "Good Morning Kerna :)"
10 Amarande al'Kalin  15 "Heya Elania, Saki, Wilin :)"
11 Karassa Souladrin  13 "heya Bao"
12 Wilin Stoneriver  11 "hello ladie and mentlegin"
13 Seraph Delandra  10 "Hi Kitan"
14 Zashara Sho'am  8 "\o mendo"
15 Deoan Kakarot  8 "good morning"

#wheel's cool guys

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Wilin Stoneriver  4 "matt best is pretty cool tbh"
2 Mendo Cath  4 "yeah thats cool"
3 Amarande al'Kalin  4 "winter means nice cool air without pollen"
4 Ninya Evoneigh  3 "cool beans"
5 Mejjad Martnandi  3 "got a cool story though about my family"
6 Karassa Souladrin  3 "They had her in a harness with a retractable leash, should she jump out, but for the most part,
she just hung out, and was totally cool with everyone petting her."
7 Iria Saronin  3 "I think that plan sounds cool, it's somehow combining your undergrad interests with interesting
career options"
8 Alyccea Nymaessene  3 "Cool - fingers crossed!"
9 Roheryn Galghandhrei  2 "That's cool. I just really haven't had time... I've heard a lot of good things about it"
10 Owen  2 "cool name"
11 Nymala Ingasy  2 "Very cool"
12 Nyavene al'Meer  2 "Oh okay. Cool. Thanks Kerna! :D"
13 Elania al'Manir  2 "Nice. I mean, it'll be sad to be away from your family, but it'd be cool to travel. Even for work, lol."
14 Deoan Kakarot  2 "I want cake, so we're cool here"

Top 15 link advertisers

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Mejjad Martnandi  48 "karassa_sedai: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/ballast-point-victory-at-sea/100542/"
2 Wil Cambrae  38 "http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2013-12/enhanced/webdr03/4/15/anigif_enhanced-buzz-6263-1386...
3 Karassa Souladrin  27 "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/63/e6/28/63e6283ff2f052b667a4da573f049393.jpg"
4 Mendo Cath  19 "https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.sorcery.net/?nick=Tarvalon|?#wheel"
5 Jeryn Lekar  10 "http://blog.patrickrothfuss.com/2015/10/hollywood-news/ potentially neat. :o"
6 Amarande al'Kalin  10 "that means if you're naughty we can give you one of these guys ... http://forkcreede.com/wp-conten...
7 Kerwin Thaumiel  7 "http://imgur.com/gallery/ZZRE5m2 :D"
8 Ninya Evoneigh  7 "http://www.countryhouseweddings.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Book-cake-e136999776850...
Something like this, Myra"
9 Cobrakhan007  7 "well the latest windoes test irssi is 0.8.15 at www.irssi.org/news"
10 Nymala Ingasy  6 "But, in the meantime, I see your "Rapper's Delight" and raise you a "Rapper's Delight
" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CYJ73pVpVc"
11 Myra|Work  6 "Hey Relli!!! Welcome to the chat side of TV.net :)"
12 Deoan Kakarot  6 "http://i.imgur.com/mGw8GmQ.png"
13 Rit'koma Imorj  5 "also, the tv.net website appears to be down."
14 Nyavene al'Meer  5 "https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/feesmustfall?source=feed_text&story_id=10153749658048453"
15 Shaerlyn Storna  4 "If you feel like torturing yourself, here's the chocolate I'm currently hooked on.. http://www.tazachoc...

Top 4 cuddly snugglers!

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Brandon Tataru  7 * Brandon goes to hug his Mentee, then decides that she wouldn't want it.
2 Myra|Work  5 * Myra|Work tackle hugs
3 Nymala Ingasy  2 * Nymala wanders back in and snugs Wil
4 Elania al'Manir  2 * Elania gives Brandon a big hug in return.

Mentioned the most gaming references.

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Amarande al'Kalin  14 "The big problem with trying to add real thoughtful strategy to PvE games these days seems to be
this ... either you have so much RNG that the game borders on being more about luck than skill..."
2 Iria Saronin  2 "lol disney monopoly :D that could be even worse. "So. Jasmine has all the castles. you lose.""
3 Elania al'Manir  2 "The minecraft villagers' trade options aren't resetting. -.-"

Mentioned the most Star Wars references.

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Mejjad Martnandi  12 "so, I've booked the tickets to Star Wars now :)"
2 Amarande al'Kalin  3 "I belong to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood's guilds"
3 Elania al'Manir  2 "And I'm doing alright, thanks. Downloading Star Wars the Old Republic at the moment."

Big Numbers

Ninya Evoneigh really wanted others to know what she was doing - 83 descriptions altogether.
 6.10. 19:36 * Ninya noms the cookie
10.10.2015 18:10 - 18:12 was a busy time for #wheel - 8 people active
Active users during this 2-minute period were (in order of appearance):
 Ninya Evoneigh, Myra|Work, Wil Cambrae, Kerwin Thaumiel, Mendo Cath, Amarande al'Kalin, Deoan Kakarot, Brandon Tataru
Amarande al'Kalin wrote the longest lines - average of 75 letters per line.

(typically people used 36 letters per line in #wheel)

People with the most nicknames (they just couldn't find the right one...)
Mendo Cath7 Nicks mendo(97%), mendobrb(1,5%), mendo|afk(0,7%), mendo|test|test(0,1%), mendo|meeting(0,1%), mendo|brb(0,0%), mendomeeting(0,0%)
Nyavene al'Meer5 Nicks Nyavene(95%), Nyavene_(2,3%), Nyavene|Work(1,6%), Nya(1,0%), Nya|afk(0,0%)
Kerwin Thaumiel5 Nicks thaumiel(98%), Thaum|phone(0,9%), Thau|afk(0,3%), Thau|away(0,2%), Thaumie|(0,2%)
Myra|Work3 Nicks Myra|Work(99%), Myra(0,2%), Myra|AFK(0,0%)
Nymala Ingasy3 Nicks Nymala(100%), Nym_AWY(0,0%), Nym_AWAY(0,0%)

Chat partners

(they really like talking to each other...)

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 Wil CambraeMendo Cath 1 Alyccea NymaesseneIria Saronin
2 Amarande al'KalinElania al'Manir 2 Marivea al'CorriyiNinya Evoneigh
3 Alyccea NymaesseneMendo Cath 3 Nymala IngasyWil Cambrae
4 Alyccea NymaesseneWil Cambrae 4 Jeryn LekarIria Saronin
5 Wil CambraeNinya Evoneigh 5 IriniaMejjad Martnandi
6 Roheryn GalghandhreiShaerlyn Storna 6 Iria SaroninKerwin Thaumiel
7 Amarande al'KalinWilin Stoneriver 7 Alyccea NymaesseneWil Cambrae
8 Wilin StoneriverWil Cambrae 8 Iria SaroninMejjad Martnandi
9 Bryher al'VennaMendo Cath
10 Amarande al'KalinWil Cambrae

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 Brandon TataruMyra|Work 1 Ninya EvoneighKerwin Thaumiel
2 Brandon TataruRoheryn Galghandhrei 2 Ninya EvoneighAmarande al'Kalin
3 ChaelcaIria Saronin 3 Kerwin ThaumielAmarande al'Kalin
4 Brandon TataruKarassa Souladrin 4 Kerwin ThaumielNyavene al'Meer
5 ChaelcaIrinia 5 Myra|WorkNinya Evoneigh
6 IriniaIria Saronin 6 Wilin StoneriverMejjad Martnandi
7 Dnae IlaMyra|Work 7 Mejjad MartnandiAmarande al'Kalin
8 Mejjad MartnandiKerwin Thaumiel 8 Myra|WorkKerwin Thaumiel
9 Ninya EvoneighKarassa Souladrin 9 Myra|WorkBrandon Tataru
10 Wilin StoneriverMendo Cath 10 Amarande al'KalinMendo Cath

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days
1 Amarande al'Kalin  30
2 Mejjad Martnandi  29
3 Mendo Cath  28
4 Jeryn Lekar  28
5 Nymala Ingasy  27
6 Wil Cambrae  25
7 Wilin Stoneriver  25
8 Kerna Shedrian  23
9 Brandon Tataru  23
10 Iria Saronin  22
11 Paxam Leratharn  19
12 Ninya Evoneigh  18
13 Ahmyra al'Ruley  18
14 Nyavene al'Meer  18
15 Deoan Kakarot  17
16 Karassa Souladrin  16
17 Roheryn Galghandhrei  16
18 Kerwin Thaumiel  16
19 Marivea al'Corriyi  15
20 Cobrakhan007  14

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At
1 Amarande al'Kalin  22 1.10. - 22.10.2015
2 Jeryn Lekar  21 1.10. - 21.10.2015
3 Nymala Ingasy  21 2.10. - 22.10.2015
4 Mejjad Martnandi  13 6.10. - 18.10.2015
5 Wilin Stoneriver  11 8.10. - 18.10.2015
6 Ninya Evoneigh  11 6.10. - 16.10.2015
7 Nyavene al'Meer  10 2.10. - 11.10.2015
8 Kerna Shedrian  10 6.10. - 15.10.2015
9 Mendo Cath  9 23.10. - 31.10.2015
10 Wil Cambrae  8 9.10. - 16.10.2015
11 Iria Saronin  7 15.10. - 21.10.2015
12 Irinia  6 23.10. - 28.10.2015
13 Kerwin Thaumiel  6 12.10. - 17.10.2015
14 Laralelle Susandrea  6 11.10. - 16.10.2015
15 Jas'yn Al'Dragoran  5 3.10. - 7.10.2015
16 Paxam Leratharn  5 6.10. - 10.10.2015
17 Brandon Tataru  5 6.10. - 10.10.2015
18 Ahmyra al'Ruley  5 27.10. - 31.10.2015
19 Deoan Kakarot  5 6.10. - 10.10.2015
20 Alyccea Nymaessene  4 5.10. - 8.10.2015

Activity distribution

5/2015 - 10/2015

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0,5%)
4 (2,2%)
2 (1,1%)
4 (2,2%)
8 (4,3%)
14 (7,6%)
13 (7,1%)
42 (23%)
69 (38%)
27 (15%)


5 / 2015
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Lines: 30052
6 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
Lines: 28976
7 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Lines: 16468
8 / 2015
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 13795
9 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
Lines: 13813
10 / 2015
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
Lines: 11966

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
48.. 5 Amarande al'Kalin(75,2), Kerwin Thaumiel(49,7), Irinia(49,3), Deoan Ka...
45..47 0 -
42..44 3 Alyccea Nymaessene(43,4), Paxam Leratharn(43,2), Nyavene al'Meer...
39..41 1 Iria Saronin(39,9)
36..38 3 Marivea al'Corriyi(37,9), Roheryn Galghandhrei(37,4), Wil Cambrae(36,0)
33..35 0 -
30..32 6 Ninya Evoneigh(33,0), Jas'yn Al'Dragoran(32,9), Elania al'Manir(32,6), ...
27..29 2 Chaelca(29,7), Mendo Cath(27,2)
24..26 2 Myra|Work(25,8), Ahmyra al'Ruley(24,5)
..23 3 Kerna Shedrian(21,5), Nymala Ingasy(20,7), Jeryn Lekar(20,2)

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

People in #wheel seem to like these words...

Count Word Last used by At
185 "morning" Ahmyra al'Ruley 31.10. 21:25
140 "because" Roheryn Galghandhrei 30.10. 16:46
132 "actually" Iria Saronin 31.10. 18:16
117 "evening" Amarande al'Kalin 31.10. 3:15
110 "probably" Chaelca 31.10. 18:20
99 "something" Roheryn Galghandhrei 31.10. 21:24
71 "anything" Karassa Souladrin 31.10. 16:18
65 "everyone" Roheryn Galghandhrei 30.10. 17:09
58 "thought" Mejjad Martnandi 31.10. 11:39
53 "working" Mejjad Martnandi 31.10. 11:21

Frequently mentioned nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
120 "Mejjad Martnandi" Iria Saronin 31.10. 14:50
105 "Mendo Cath" Chaelca 31.10. 17:57
95 "Kerwin Thaumiel" Elania al'Manir 24.10. 20:23
94 "Ahmyra al'Ruley" Amarande al'Kalin 31.10. 22:04
86 "Ninya Evoneigh" Wil Cambrae 26.10. 2:43

These people have a distinctive choice of words...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
17 Amarande al'Kalin "Arcanum"(4), "hexchat"(4), "healers"(4), "Gilneas"(3), "cosmetic"(4), "economic"(3),
"Wizardry"(3), "sluggish"(3), "cluebook"(3), "contents"(3), "mechanics"(5), "television"(4), ...
7 Mejjad Martnandi "fathers"(7), "Georgia"(3), "ancestry"(4), "daughter"(3), "relatives"(4), "colleague"(4),
7 Ninya Evoneigh "ahahaha"(3), "that’s"(5), "assholes"(4), "didn’t"(3), "familiar"(3), "thankfully"(3),
5 Karassa Souladrin "pennies"(3), "brownies"(3), "hurricane"(3), "switching"(3), "disappear"(3)
3 Kerwin Thaumiel "instant"(3), "recieved"(3), "unfortunatly"(3)
2 Nyavene al'Meer "protest"(6), "Africans"(3)

These pairs speak with their own words
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
13 Amarande al'Kalin and Kerwin Thaumiel "nuclear"(4), "cheaper"(3), "soylent"(3), "campaign"(4), "megacorps"(3), "Processor"(3),
"diskspace"(3), "pre-order"(4), "installing"(3), "electrician"(3), "Millennials"(3), ...
11 Ninya Evoneigh and Amarande al'Kalin "sellers"(4), "require"(4), "banning"(3), "*blink*"(3), "maternity"(4), "attendant"(3),
"embalming"(3), "protection"(5), "responsible"(5), "significant"(3), "restrictions"(3)
8 Amarande al'Kalin and Mejjad Martnandi "reality"(3), "governor"(6), "measures"(4), "geography"(3), "Generation"(4),
"practically"(6), "equivalent"(3), "recommended"(3)
6 Amarande al'Kalin and Nyavene al'Meer "Ethernet"(3), "meanwhile"(4), "nightmare"(4), "population"(5), "accounting"(4),
5 Amarande al'Kalin and Karassa Souladrin "growing"(5), "purchase"(3), "marketing"(5), "miserable"(3), "advertising"(3)
5 Mejjad Martnandi and Kerwin Thaumiel "fission"(4), "fallout"(3), "apartment"(8), "Stockholm"(5), "eskilstuna"(3)
4 Karassa Souladrin and Deoan Kakarot "$yourvar"(3), "coworker"(3), "production"(3), "order_amount"(5)
4 Amarande al'Kalin and Wilin Stoneriver "hearing"(4), "include"(3), "preferred"(3), "oktoberfest"(4)
4 Amarande al'Kalin and Alyccea Nymaessene "coloured"(3), "humanity"(3), "surprised"(6), "regarded"(3)
3 Amarande al'Kalin and Mendo Cath "crashes"(5), "dungeon"(3), "unemployment"(3)

New popular words
  Word First used by At
1 "Shaoman"(7) Myra|Work 23.10. 18:16
2 "members"(3) Wil Cambrae 23.10. 6:13
3 "episodes"(3) Marivea al'Corriyi 22.10. 4:39
4 "monopoly"(5) Irinia 26.10. 12:37
5 "Stressing"(4) Nyavene al'Meer 30.10. 19:11
6 "clothing"(3) Brandon Tataru 22.10. 16:39
7 "customer_id"(8) Karassa Souladrin 22.10. 14:43

Special words by time of day
  Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1"traffic"(10)"Frickin"(3) "Pumpkin"(31)"married"(7)
2"chicken"(9)"nicotine"(3) "clients"(6)"parents"(8)
3"Science"(11)"generations"(3) "raspberry"(7)"raising"(7)
4"January"(3)"eskilstuna"(3) "Pumpkins"(5)"Alberta"(7)
5"studying"(3)"powell’s"(3) "closest"(4)"planning"(7)
6"hehehehe"(3)"Interstellar"(3) "doughnut"(6)"Accepted"(6)
7"starving"(3)"disintegrate"(3) "suggested"(4)"everywhere"(6)
8"polished"(3)  "dinosaur"(3)"grounds"(5)
9"Masters"(3)  "workday"(3)"screwed"(4)
10"Slacking"(3)  "berries"(7)"mention"(4)

Special words by day of week
  Monday Tuesday -
Friday Saturday -
1"Alberta"(7)"Pumpkin"(31) "feature"(11)"Science"(11)
2"industry"(9)"husband"(8) "software"(10)"January"(3)
3"consumer"(7)"customer"(11) "clients"(6)"magical"(4)
4"australia"(7)"Kiwiirc"(6) "director"(7)"governor"(6)
5"chemicals"(4)"caffeine"(9) "closest"(4)"starving"(3)
6"terrified"(3)"updated"(4) "amusing"(3)"solitaire"(6)
7"stations"(4)"billion"(7) "Soldier"(6)"monopoly"(5)
8"lefties"(3)"pictures"(6) "backups"(4)"sisters"(4)
9"sellers"(4)"dentist"(4) "grandpa"(3)"fantasy"(4)
10"cassette"(3)"Clinton"(4) "dungeon"(3)"sundown"(3)

The dominant gender on #wheel

  Gender Number of Lines Nicks
1 Boys 6034 Amarande al'Kalin(16,0%), Mejjad Martnandi(15,6%),
Mendo Cath(13,5%), Kerwin Thaumiel(10,6%), ...
2 Girls 4872 Ninya Evoneigh(22,0%), Karassa Souladrin(11,7%),
Alyccea Nymaessene(8,78%), Iria Saronin(8,70%), ...

Top locations by line count

  City Number of Lines Inhabitants
1 The Ajah Quarters 3420 Ninya Evoneigh(31,4%), Karassa Souladrin(16,6%),
Nyavene al'Meer(8,95%), Nymala Ingasy(8,74%), ...
2 Garrison 3055 Amarande al'Kalin(31,6%), Wil Cambrae(18,5%),
Brandon Tataru(14,2%), Jeryn Lekar(12,1%), ...
3 Barracks 2418 Mejjad Martnandi(38,8%), Mendo Cath(33,6%),
Kerwin Thaumiel(26,3%), Murasaki al'Aevon(0,83%), ...
4 Dormitory 998 Alyccea Nymaessene(42,9%), Ahmyra al'Ruley(30,2%),
Elania al'Manir(16,2%), Dnae Ila(6,21%), Luna Morn(2,61%), ...
5 Tar Valon 959 Wilin Stoneriver(53,6%), Iria Saronin(44,2%),
Zandera Sommers(1,46%), Calith al'Telk(0,73%)
6 Chat 56 Cobrakhan007

The most active teams

  Team Number of Lines Members
1 Gaidin of Dai M'Hael 1873 Amarande al'Kalin(51,5%), Brandon Tataru(23,2%),
Deoan Kakarot(10,4%), Paxam Leratharn(8,28%), ...
2 Recruit 1576 Mejjad Martnandi(59,6%), Kerwin Thaumiel(40,4%)
3 Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah 1386 Ninya Evoneigh(77,5%), Roheryn Galghandhrei(18,3%),
Kassidy Rose DaiShan(1,95%), Lauraine al'Thone(1,66%), ...
4 Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah 1212 Karassa Souladrin(46,9%), Nymala Ingasy(24,7%),
Kerna Shedrian(11,0%), Alyria Savoinya(6,52%), ...
5 Citizen 959 Wilin Stoneriver(53,6%), Iria Saronin(44,2%),
Zandera Sommers(1,46%), Calith al'Telk(0,73%)
6 Soldier 842 Mendo Cath(96,6%), Murasaki al'Aevon(2,38%),
Anarie De'Thain(1,07%)
7 Accepted 836 Alyccea Nymaessene(51,2%), Ahmyra al'Ruley(36,0%),
Dnae Ila(7,42%), Luna Morn(3,11%), Leo Kian(1,56%), ...
8 Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar 809 Wil Cambrae(69,8%), Jas'yn Al'Dragoran(16,7%),
Soronhen Ciryaher(9,39%), Atreyu Silverstar(3,96%), ...
9 Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 377 Nyavene al'Meer(81,2%), Bryher al'Venna(18,6%),
Arien Nalaam(0,27%)
10 Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb 373 Jeryn Lekar(98,9%), Bao the Wyld(0,80%),
Vealdan Annalin(0,27%)

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mIRCStats v1.24 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen