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Personal stats

1  Mejjad Martnandi
City: Barracks
Last talked: 12.4. 21:21
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 775
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 111
Average letters per line: 31,4
Number of descriptions: 8
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 7,1%
Exclamation ratio: 4,4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  2 nicknames used  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Alyccea Nymaessene
Mychael Ritoryn
Severian Asamura
Marivea al'Corriyi
Paxam Leratharn
Recent activity
12.4. 20:47<mejjad> :/
21:17<mejjad> AndroUser: you can change your nickname by typing /nick <newnickname> :)
21:21<mejjad> \o
2 Alyccea Nymaessene
City: Dormitory
Last talked: 12.4. 23:48
Visits: 15
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 735
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 105
Average letters per line: 40,6
Number of descriptions: 17
CAPS ratio: 0,8%
Question ratio: 11%
Exclamation ratio: 6,9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  2 nicknames used  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Mejjad Martnandi
Wil Cambrae
Nymala Ingasy
Mychael Ritoryn
Caerwyn Jolan
Recent activity
12.4. 8:09<Alyccea> lol well the music is catchy
8:10<Alyccea> ick
8:10<Alyccea> sleep well! *snugs*
8:12*** Alyccea has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
23:35*** Alyccea has joined #wheel
23:41<Alyccea> Morfternight :)
23:46<Alyccea> lol
23:46<Alyccea> what's happening?
23:48<Alyccea> like a monkey?
23:48<Alyccea> :p
3 Mychael Ritoryn
City: Barracks
Last talked: 11.4. 17:52
Visits: 14
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 355
Days active: 6/7
Average lines per day: 59
Average letters per line: 29,1
Number of descriptions: 15
CAPS ratio: 0,8%
Question ratio: 9,9%
Exclamation ratio: 3,7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  4 nicknames used  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mejjad Martnandi
Alyccea Nymaessene
Aryawnah Federov
Eli Soljourn
Murasaki al'Aevon
Recent activity
10.4. 19:14<Mychael Work> yay ^^ what all did they do with her while she was there?
19:20<Mychael Work> yay =D
19:25<Mychael Work> snugglestabs! that sounds intense =o
19:29<Mychael Work> hi wil =)
21:07*** Mychael Work has quit IRC (Quit: Mychael_Work)
21:11*** Mychael Work has joined #wheel
21:15*** Mychael Work has quit IRC (Client Quit)
11.4. 17:49*** Mychael has joined #wheel
17:52<Mychael> !fish mejjad
19:57*** Mychael has quit IRC (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
4 Wil Cambrae
City: Garrison
Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
Last talked: 12.4. 8:10
Visits: 10
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 339
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 48
Average letters per line: 37,6
Number of descriptions: 32
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 5,9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Alyccea Nymaessene
Nymala Ingasy
Caerwyn Jolan
Eli Soljourn
Onis O'Leia
Recent activity
12.4. 8:10<WilCambrae> tell me about it
8:10<WilCambrae> have a good day :)
8:10<WilCambrae> enjoy Oz for me
8:10<WilCambrae> *snugs*
8:10<WilCambrae> oh reminds me, I need to take me drugs lol
8:10*** WilCambrae has quit IRC (Quit: “There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”)
5 Amarande al'Kalin
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
Last talked: 12.4. 7:18
Visits: 7
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 315
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 45
Average letters per line: 86,3
Question ratio: 4,4%
Exclamation ratio: 2,2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  3 nicknames used  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Kerwin Thaumiel
Jeryn Lekar
Amina Coram
Alyccea Nymaessene
Eli Soljourn
Recent activity
12.4. 7:15<Amarande> If you vote Republican, you can keep more of your money in your pocket, since they're against higher taxes. You also vote for laxer business regulations and generally more tech-friendly rather than Hollywood-friendly folks, but on the OTHER hand, you vote for Internet fast lanes, against reproductive freedom for women, and no social safety net, as well as war after war
7:18<Amarande> Anyways, time to get some sleep. Night :)
7:19*** Amarande has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
6 Jeryn Lekar
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
Last talked: 12.4. 21:32
Visits: 12
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 252
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 36
Average letters per line: 22,6
Number of descriptions: 14
CAPS ratio: 1,2%
Question ratio: 5,2%
Exclamation ratio: 7,1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Mejjad Martnandi
Kerwin Thaumiel
Amarande al'Kalin
Iria Saronin
Amina Coram
Recent activity
11.4. 22:27<Jeryn> i've not been paying attention all day. >.>
22:27<Jeryn> May as well deop
12.4. 3:59*** Jeryn has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
9:52*** Jeryn has joined #wheel
11:29<Jeryn> lol
11:52*** Jeryn has quit IRC (Quit: Merf.)
21:18*** Jeryn has joined #wheel
21:32<Jeryn> oh
21:32<Jeryn> so that's you
21:32<Jeryn> i was wondering
7 Nymala Ingasy
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
Last talked: 12.4. 23:48
Visits: 8
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 250
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 36
Average letters per line: 28,3
Number of descriptions: 39
Question ratio: 10%
Exclamation ratio: 4,4%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  3 nicknames used  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Wil Cambrae
Alyccea Nymaessene
Caerwyn Jolan
Eli Soljourn
Ahmyra al'Ruley
Recent activity
12.4. 20:41<Nymala> Right now, I'm working on the pieces for a lighter afghan for my mother
20:41<Nymala> but I'm going to stop and start working on another project for Wil
20:43* Nymala chuckles
22:01*** Nymala is now known as Nym AFK
23:29<Nymala> \o Mendo
23:40<Nymala> Morning Aly :)
23:48<Nymala> Ook.
8 Kerwin Thaumiel
City: Barracks
Last talked: 11.4. 23:16
Visits: 4
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 219
Days active: 6/7
Average lines per day: 36
Average letters per line: 56,7
Number of descriptions: 2
Question ratio: 9,1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  2 nicknames used  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Amarande al'Kalin
Iria Saronin
Jeryn Lekar
Alyccea Nymaessene
Wil Cambrae
Recent activity
11.4. 23:16*** Thaum| has joined #wheel
23:16*** Thaumiel has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
23:16*** Thaumiel has joined #wheel
23:16<Thaumiel> *sigh* bloody power failure, has happened twice now, since i moved here...
23:20*** Thaum| has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
9 Eli Soljourn
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
Last talked: 12.4. 6:02
Visits: 13
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 197
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 28
Average letters per line: 36,2
Number of descriptions: 3
Topics set: 1
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 2,5%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  2 nicknames used  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Severian Asamura
Brandon Tataru
Ahmyra al'Ruley
Wil Cambrae
Mychael Ritoryn
Recent activity
12.4. 6:01<Eli Soljourn> Nothing but the rain
6:02<Eli Soljourn> I miss that show. Luckily I have the whole series on DVD
6:59*** Eli Soljourn has quit IRC (Quit: There was a Gaidin here. He's gone now.)
10 Iria Saronin
City: Tar Valon
Last talked: 9.4. 22:24
Visits: 9
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 194
Days active: 3/7
Average lines per day: 65
Average letters per line: 46,7
Number of descriptions: 2
CAPS ratio: 0,5%
Question ratio: 10%
Exclamation ratio: 13%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  5 nicknames used  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Kerwin Thaumiel
Alyccea Nymaessene
Ahmyra al'Ruley
Jeryn Lekar
Recent activity
9.4. 22:18<iria> Ahmyra: oh, that's good, then
22:21<iria> :)
22:24<iria> blah, stupid time zone. bye everyone! have a great day :)
22:25*** iria has quit IRC (Quit: leaving)
11.4. 19:17*** iria has joined #wheel
20:52*** iria has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
11  Ahmyra al'Ruley
City: Dormitory
Last talked: 10.4. 19:30
Visits: 8
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 180
Days active: 4/7
Average lines per day: 45
Average letters per line: 40,5
Number of descriptions: 14
CAPS ratio: 0,6%
Question ratio: 5,6%
Exclamation ratio: 5,6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  4 nicknames used  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Iria Saronin
Eli Soljourn
Brandon Tataru
Roheryn Galghandhrei
Aryawnah Federov
Recent activity
10.4. 19:19<Ahmyra> basically jut put a good start on her. She went there having never had a saddle on her. I can now ride her with confidence that she isn't going to buck me off
19:22<Ahmyra> hey Thaumiel :)
19:29* Ahmyra snuggles Jeryn_
19:29<Ahmyra> Hey Wil
19:30<Ahmyra> hey mendo
19:32*** Ahmyra is now known as Ahmyra|Laundry
19:54*** Ahmyra|Laundry has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
12 Severian Asamura
City: Barracks
Last talked: 12.4. 21:09
Visits: 23
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 179
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 26
Average letters per line: 38,2
Number of descriptions: 18
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 3,9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  4 nicknames used  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Mejjad Martnandi
Eli Soljourn
Alyccea Nymaessene
Mychael Ritoryn
Recent activity
12.4. 20:42<Severian> that it would Alyria :P
20:43<Severian> lol oh well, live and learn
21:09<Severian> o_O
23:27*** Severian has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
13 Mendo Cath
City: Barracks
Last talked: 12.4. 23:46
Visits: 17
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 171
Days active: 7/7
Average lines per day: 24
Average letters per line: 20,8
Question ratio: 11%
Exclamation ratio: 8,2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 7 days  6 nicknames used  He chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Other (2)
Alyccea Nymaessene
Mychael Ritoryn
Mejjad Martnandi
Recent activity
12.4. 23:46<mendo> about to grill some fish and chicken
23:46<mendo> :D
23:46<mendo> I will be back and forth for a bit
23:47*** mendo is now known as mendo|simihere
14 Aryawnah Federov
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
Last talked: 10.4. 16:22
Visits: 7
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 157
Days active: 5/7
Average lines per day: 31
Average letters per line: 30,2
Number of descriptions: 9
Topics set: 1
CAPS ratio: 3,2%
Question ratio: 4,5%
Exclamation ratio: 13%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  2 nicknames used  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mychael Ritoryn
Mejjad Martnandi
Ahmyra al'Ruley
Recent activity
10.4. 16:03<Aryawnah> Jackie Robinson was an excellent player though. Plus, his jersey number was 42, and the only jersey number retired across the sport.
16:03<Aryawnah> Hey Brandon
16:06<Aryawnah> ^^
16:22<Aryawnah> And all I have to do is jump up and down in excitement.
17:19*** Aryawnah has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
15 Onis O'Leia
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
Last talked: 9.4. 5:57
Visits: 4
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 112
Days active: 4/7
Average lines per day: 28
Average letters per line: 35,4
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 8,0%
Exclamation ratio: 4,5%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  4 nicknames used  She chats mostly with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Wil Cambrae
Alyccea Nymaessene
Mejjad Martnandi
Recent activity
9.4. 5:56<Onis OLeia> Ok, logging off here so I can put the laptop away.
5:57<Onis OLeia> *hugs Wil* I'll post once I'm safely there.
6:00*** Onis OLeia has quit IRC

Mentioned the most Wheel of Time references:

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Mychael Ritoryn  14 "morning wheelians =)"
2 Mejjad Martnandi  12 "*remembers something a Gaidin once said.. "never disagree with an Aes Sedai"* --
*nods agreeingly with karassa's statement*"
3 Kerwin Thaumiel  8 "hello Nandi and AsandraSedai"
4 Amarande al'Kalin  8 "Wil, please report to the White Ajah for bubble analysis"
5 Alyccea Nymaessene  7 "well you have a few months to work on the weave ;)"
6 Iria Saronin  6 "*laughing* we also had one project work where the robot wheels were absolutely horrible and
every group failed the final demo because of that :D"
7 Ahmyra al'Ruley  4 "I missed the tavern when I was a Novice.... The Gutter is my home"
8 Wil Cambrae  3 "Hehehe, I want one of these http://sobadsogood.com/2015/04/07/brilliant-monster-boxes-are-perfec...
9 Brandon Tataru  3 "Let's the JM's start getting to know the different Ajah's and Companies."
10 Severian Asamura  2 "oh yeah? you fall off a really tall tower or something?"
11 Kerna Shedrian  2 "Since Baerlon's mining is probably crucial to Andor I would expect that plays a part too"
12 Eli Soljourn  2 "Brilliant"

Top 15 smiley using guys on #wheel

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Mychael Ritoryn  99 "okay bbiab for workz =)"
2 Amarande al'Kalin  81 "it actually on average gets easier the further in the game you get, unlike many RPGs :)"
3 Mejjad Martnandi  70 "share your problem, Mychael :D"
4 Iria Saronin  56 "Maybe I should stop diverting your attention from your application :)"
5 Kerwin Thaumiel  44 "iria, do that, then my stay here might not get as painful :)"
6 Alyccea Nymaessene  36 "I shall do my absolute best :)"
7 Aryawnah Federov  23 "Night :)"
8 Ahmyra al'Ruley  19 "which is why you are such an awesome mentor :D"
9 Wil Cambrae  15 "not sure about the jump start, but I liked the music :D"
10 Nymala Ingasy  14 "Hey Dnae :)"
11 Mendo Cath  11 "so i see Nandi and think of it :D"
12 Melisande Arneil  11 "hey Patrick :)"
13 Onis O'Leia  10 "Arie: One week and two days. :-D"
14 Jeryn Lekar  10 "Hiya kara. =)"
15 Roheryn Galghandhrei  9 ":)"

Top 15 greeting people

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Mychael Ritoryn  75 "hi AsandraSedai =)"
2 Mejjad Martnandi  46 "morning, CobraKhan007"
3 Alyccea Nymaessene  26 "Hi Stephan and Cobra"
4 Nymala Ingasy  21 "Morning all"
5 Iria Saronin  13 "Hi Brandon :)"
6 Severian Asamura  10 "heya guys"
7 Mendo Cath  10 "Hi #wheel old friend. How I miss thee"
8 Kerwin Thaumiel  8 "hello Nymala"
9 Amarande al'Kalin  8 "Heya Amina :)"
10 Brandon Tataru  7 "Hi All."
11 Nandi el'Shahir  5 "hi Amarande"
12 Murasaki al'Aevon  4 "hi friends!!"
13 Deoan Kakarot  4 "o/ mejj"
14 Asandra al'Terra  4 "hi all"
15 Aryawnah Federov  4 "\o Mendo!"

#wheel's cool guys

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Alyccea Nymaessene  5 "the excrement hath hitteth the cooling device"
2 Iria Saronin  4 "Thaumiel: ok, cool :)"
3 Marivea al'Corriyi  3 "But cool."
4 Severian Asamura  2 "no, it was cool Thaumiel"
5 Nymala Ingasy  2 "Ok cool"
6 Mychael Ritoryn  2 "cool thanks, I’ll give it a try =)"
7 Mejjad Martnandi  2 "and let it cool in the fridge so it gets hard"
8 Caerwyn Jolan  2 "well thats cool"

Top 12 link advertisers

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Mejjad Martnandi  29 "this is amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VdcMWWh3s0"
2 Wil Cambrae  26 "Nice, http://teespring.com/aimtomisbehave"
3 Alyccea Nymaessene  12 "And we're not gonna do this: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-32245995"
4 Karassa Souladrin  11 "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/306455949620733819/"
5 Mendo Cath  6 "http://stonewings.com/photos/snake2.jpg"
6 Nymala Ingasy  5 "Actually, if we're going to NZ, I want to grab him: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2013041408494...
7 Amarande al'Kalin  5 "Wow, poring through the Battle.net thread, I'm surprised how much the Tower has moved away
from the Horde since I first joined WoW :blink"
8 Kerwin Thaumiel  3 "because it was fun, it got me to post a lot in tv.net :)"
9 Nandi el'Shahir  3 "http://miburl.com/rDe5eR"
10 Eli Soljourn  3 "http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=3693"
11 Jeryn Lekar  2 "http://myanimelist.net/anime/12679/Joshiraku this one was fun and a bit random."
12 aguyworkingtotalynothere  2 "https://www.tarvalon.net/showthread.php?8461-heyitsmyemail-tarvalon-net"

Mentioned the most Star Wars references.

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Mejjad Martnandi  4 "beer and star wars... my favorite topics"
2 Paxam Leratharn  3 "that certainly features -- it centres on a kid Luke tries to train and fails while he's trying to get the
jedi into a real force again"
3 Cobrakhan007  3 "as far as i recall Jedi Acadamy is centered around the rebirth of the Dark Jedi"

Big Numbers

Severian Asamura needs to get a better connection - he joined #wheel 23 times during this reporting period...
Nymala Ingasy really wanted others to know what she was doing - 39 descriptions altogether.
 8.4. 6:00 * Nymala starts the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecSCaZ_XPlo
The loudest one was Murasaki al'Aevon with yell percentage of 16%!

Aryawnah Federov followed closely with 13% yells!

Paxam Leratharn was uncertain about many things - 16% of lines contained a question.

...and the silver medal goes to Wil Cambrae - with a question ratio of 13%.

Chat partners

People who talk most to each other

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 Alyccea NymaesseneWil Cambrae 1 Alyccea NymaesseneWil Cambrae
2 Nymala IngasyWil Cambrae 2 Marivea al'CorriyiMejjad Martnandi
3 Nymala IngasyAlyccea Nymaessene 3 Alyccea NymaesseneIria Saronin
4 Seraph DelandraAlyccea Nymaessene 4 Alyccea NymaesseneMejjad Martnandi
5 Eli SoljournSeverian Asamura 5 Nymala IngasyWil Cambrae
6 Alyccea NymaesseneMendo Cath 6 Marivea al'CorriyiPaxam Leratharn
7 Alyccea NymaesseneArie Davion 7 Alyccea NymaesseneCaerwyn Jolan
8 Enya TawarwaithArie Davion 8 Paxam LeratharnMejjad Martnandi
9 Alyccea NymaesseneCaerwyn Jolan 9 Alyccea NymaesseneNymala Ingasy
10 Seraph DelandraWil Cambrae 10 Caerwyn JolanWil Cambrae

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 Alyccea NymaesseneMejjad Martnandi 1 Amarande al'KalinKerwin Thaumiel
2 Mychael RitorynMejjad Martnandi 2 Brandon TataruEli Soljourn
3 Mychael RitorynAlyccea Nymaessene 3 Ahmyra al'RuleyIria Saronin
4 Mychael RitorynAryawnah Federov 4 Iria SaroninJeryn Lekar
5 Severian AsamuraMejjad Martnandi 5 Iria SaroninKerwin Thaumiel
6 Severian AsamuraAlyccea Nymaessene 6 Eli SoljournSeverian Asamura
7 Aryawnah FederovMejjad Martnandi 7 Eli SoljournAhmyra al'Ruley
8 Paxam LeratharnMejjad Martnandi 8 Aryawnah FederovAhmyra al'Ruley
9 Jeryn LekarMejjad Martnandi 9 Brandon TataruAhmyra al'Ruley
10 Amarande al'KalinKerwin Thaumiel 10 Roheryn GalghandhreiAhmyra al'Ruley

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days
1 Severian Asamura  7
2 Mendo Cath  7
3 Wil Cambrae  7
4 Nymala Ingasy  7
5 Jeryn Lekar  7
6 Eli Soljourn  7
7 Amarande al'Kalin  7
8 Alyccea Nymaessene  7
9 Mejjad Martnandi  7
10 Murasaki al'Aevon  6
11 Kerwin Thaumiel  6
12 Deoan Kakarot  6
13 Mychael Ritoryn  6
14 Cobrakhan007  6
15 Aryawnah Federov  5
16 Asandra al'Terra  5
17 Kerna Shedrian  5
18 Alyria Savoinya  5
19 Karassa Souladrin  5
20 Brandon Tataru  5

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At
1 Amarande al'Kalin  7 6.4. - 12.4.2015
2 Eli Soljourn  7 6.4. - 12.4.2015
3 Mejjad Martnandi  7 6.4. - 12.4.2015
4 Alyccea Nymaessene  7 6.4. - 12.4.2015
5 Jeryn Lekar  7 6.4. - 12.4.2015
6 Mendo Cath  7 6.4. - 12.4.2015
7 Severian Asamura  7 6.4. - 12.4.2015
8 Nymala Ingasy  7 6.4. - 12.4.2015
9 Wil Cambrae  7 6.4. - 12.4.2015
10 Mychael Ritoryn  6 6.4. - 11.4.2015
11 Cobrakhan007  6 6.4. - 11.4.2015
12 Deoan Kakarot  6 6.4. - 11.4.2015
13 Kerwin Thaumiel  6 6.4. - 11.4.2015
14 Kerna Shedrian  5 6.4. - 10.4.2015
15 Karassa Souladrin  5 6.4. - 10.4.2015
16 Brandon Tataru  5 6.4. - 10.4.2015
17 Aryawnah Federov  5 6.4. - 10.4.2015
18 Asandra al'Terra  5 6.4. - 10.4.2015
19 Onis O'Leia  4 6.4. - 9.4.2015
20 Paxam Leratharn  4 7.4. - 10.4.2015

Activity distribution

11/2014 - 4/2015

Lines per day Number of days
3 (2,1%)
9 (6,2%)
5 (3,4%)
14 (9,6%)
21 (14%)
27 (18%)
19 (13%)
27 (18%)
15 (10%)
6 (4,1%)


1 / 2015
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
Lines: 31903
2 / 2015
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28
Lines: 25978
3 / 2015
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Lines: 27210
4 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Lines: 11593


11 / 2014
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 5480
12 / 2014
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Lines: 23069

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
80.. 1 Amarande al'Kalin(86,3)
70..79 0 -
60..69 1 Paxam Leratharn(60,1)
50..59 1 Kerwin Thaumiel(56,7)
40..49 3 Iria Saronin(46,7), Alyccea Nymaessene(40,6), Ahmyra al'Ruley(40,5)
30..39 6 Severian Asamura(38,2), Wil Cambrae(37,6), Eli Soljourn(36,2), Onis O...
..29 5 Mychael Ritoryn(29,1), Nymala Ingasy(28,3), Jeryn Lekar(22,6), Mendo...

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

#wheel's popular words

Count Word Last used by At
83 "because" Alyccea Nymaessene 12.4. 7:50
70 "something" Severian Asamura 12.4. 17:50
55 "morning" Nymala Ingasy 12.4. 23:40
52 "probably" Alyccea Nymaessene 12.4. 7:50
52 "actually" Amarande al'Kalin 12.4. 7:12
33 "thought" Alyria Savoinya 12.4. 20:42
29 "working" Nymala Ingasy 12.4. 20:41
28 "getting" Murasaki al'Aevon 12.4. 5:25
28 "remember" Wil Cambrae 12.4. 6:21
28 "everyone" Alyccea Nymaessene 12.4. 6:48

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
65 "Mejjad Martnandi" Amina Coram 12.4. 16:16
55 "Mychael Ritoryn" Jeryn Lekar 10.4. 18:54
50 "Ahmyra al'Ruley" Wil Cambrae 10.4. 19:30
44 "Alyccea Nymaessene" Murasaki al'Aevon 12.4. 23:39
42 "Mendo Cath" Nymala Ingasy 12.4. 23:29

These people talk in their own (strange) language...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
11 Amarande al'Kalin "Scrolls"(4), "whereas"(3), "process"(3), "benefit"(3), "purposes"(3), "diplomat"(3),
"accounts"(3), "protection"(3), "Vendigroth"(3), "persuasion"(3), "civilisation"(3)
8 Mejjad Martnandi "insulin"(6), "hoppers"(3), "alcohol"(3), "redstone"(4), "ourselves"(3), "summaries"(3),
"Daredevil"(3), "prismarine"(3)
5 Alyccea Nymaessene "anybody"(5), "dwarves"(3), "Brisbane"(3), "Canberra"(3), "ambulance"(3)
3 Mychael Ritoryn "don’t"(3), "that’s"(4), "you’re"(3)

These pairs have a language all to themselves
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
9 Alyccea Nymaessene and Amarande al'Kalin "whether"(4), "systems"(3), "properly"(3), "particular"(8), "pregnancy"(4),
"government"(5), "accounting"(4), "requirements"(3), "pre-existing"(5)
9 Mejjad Martnandi and Alyccea Nymaessene "portals"(7), "mumakil"(5), "obsidian"(8), "YouTube"(4), "complete"(3), "anywhere"(3),
"February"(3), "dispenser"(4), "morfternight"(8)
7 Mejjad Martnandi and Amarande al'Kalin "quality"(4), "machine"(4), "typical"(3), "MEMBERS"(3), "nowadays"(5), "forgotten"(3),
6 Alyccea Nymaessene and Wil Cambrae "popcorn"(5), "picture"(4), "*snugs*"(4), "layover"(4), "pictures"(4), "Singapore"(3)
5 Alyccea Nymaessene and Iria Saronin "studies"(3), "cultural"(3), "Bachelor"(3), "application"(7), "programming"(4)
4 Amarande al'Kalin and Kerwin Thaumiel "Arcanum"(4), "failure"(3), "receive"(3), "crafting"(5)
3 Alyccea Nymaessene and Caerwyn Jolan "liquids"(3), "security"(3), "Spaghetti"(3)
3 Alyccea Nymaessene and Severian Asamura "torture"(4), "activity"(3), "remembered"(4)
2 Amarande al'Kalin and Jeryn Lekar "Freedom"(3), "official"(3)
2 Amarande al'Kalin and Karassa Souladrin "delayed"(6), "opportunity"(3)

The battle of the sexes on #wheel

  Gender Number of Lines Nicks
1 Boys 3181 Mejjad Martnandi(24,4%), Mychael Ritoryn(11,2%),
Wil Cambrae(10,7%), Amarande al'Kalin(9,90%), ...
2 Girls 2521 Alyccea Nymaessene(29,2%), Nymala Ingasy(9,92%),
Iria Saronin(7,70%), Ahmyra al'Ruley(7,14%), ...

The most active #wheel-cities

  City Number of Lines Inhabitants
1 Barracks 1827 Mejjad Martnandi(42,4%), Mychael Ritoryn(19,4%),
Kerwin Thaumiel(12,0%), Severian Asamura(9,80%), ...
2 Garrison 1404 Wil Cambrae(24,1%), Amarande al'Kalin(22,4%),
Jeryn Lekar(17,9%), Eli Soljourn(14,0%), ...
3 The Ajah Quarters 1243 Nymala Ingasy(20,1%), Aryawnah Federov(12,6%),
Onis O'Leia(9,01%), Marivea al'Corriyi(7,48%), ...
4 Dormitory 955 Alyccea Nymaessene(77,0%), Ahmyra al'Ruley(18,8%),
Amina Coram(3,35%), Dnae Ila(0,84%)
5 Tar Valon 228 Iria Saronin(85,1%), Wilin Stoneriver(14,5%),
Corrine Erydinan(0,44%)
6 Chat 45 Cobrakhan007(86,7%), Mateholion(13,3%)

The most active teams

  Team Number of Lines Members
1 Recruit 1528 Mejjad Martnandi(50,7%), Mychael Ritoryn(23,2%),
Kerwin Thaumiel(14,3%), Severian Asamura(11,7%)
2 Accepted 923 Alyccea Nymaessene(79,6%), Ahmyra al'Ruley(19,5%),
Dnae Ila(0,87%)
3 Gaidin of Dai M'Hael 742 Amarande al'Kalin(42,5%), Eli Soljourn(26,5%),
Paxam Leratharn(13,9%), Brandon Tataru(13,1%), ...
4 Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah 681 Nymala Ingasy(36,7%), Alyria Savoinya(12,3%),
Karassa Souladrin(11,9%), Nandi el'Shahir(11,3%), ...
5 Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar 410 Wil Cambrae(82,7%), Caerwyn Jolan(17,3%)
6 Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah 366 Aryawnah Federov(42,9%), Onis O'Leia(30,6%),
Roheryn Galghandhrei(13,9%), Melisande Arneil(12,6%)
7 Soldier 299 Mendo Cath(57,2%), Murasaki al'Aevon(34,4%),
Lia Kellenit(4,35%), Anarie De'Thain(4,01%)
8 Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb 252 Jeryn Lekar
9 Citizen 228 Iria Saronin(85,1%), Wilin Stoneriver(14,5%),
Corrine Erydinan(0,44%)
10 Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah 171 Marivea al'Corriyi(54,4%), Arie Davion(36,3%),
Mirindyin Zakura(9,36%)

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mIRCStats v1.24 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen