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Personal stats

1  Mychael Ritoryn
City: Barracks
Last talked: 3.7. 20:57
Visits: 10
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 417
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 83
Average letters per line: 30,6
Number of descriptions: 6
Question ratio: 7,7%
Exclamation ratio: 10%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Elania al'Manir
Alyccea Nymaessene
Autumn Sapphira
Brandon Tataru
Mendo Cath
The latest lines
3.7. 20:09<Mychael> now you’re thinking with urls!
20:10<Mychael> bela chill out =s
20:15<Mychael> wow mendo XD
20:15<Mychael> the !wiki “your mom” ?
20:16<Mychael> lol kay
20:22<Mychael> wow.
20:53<Mychael> ohai der
20:53<Mychael> ^^
20:57<Mychael> lollll
21:14*** Mychael has quit IRC (Quit: Mychael)
2 Elania al'Manir
City: Dormitory
Last talked: 4.7. 0:02
Visits: 10
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 363
Active days: 6/7
Average lines per day: 60
Average letters per line: 38,1
Number of descriptions: 18
Question ratio: 13%
Exclamation ratio: 33%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 3  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mychael Ritoryn
Autumn Sapphira
Brandon Tataru
Mendo Cath
Alyccea Nymaessene
The latest lines
3.7. 23:55<Elania> Have fun
4.7. 0:02<Elania> Peace hommies! I'm going to be on vacation all weekend, so I doubt you'll be seeing me until Tuesday-ish.
0:02*** Elania has quit IRC (Quit: Adios!)
3 Alyccea Nymaessene
City: Dormitory
Last talked: 5.7. 23:35
Visits: 6
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 268
Active days: 6/7
Average lines per day: 45
Average letters per line: 34,4
Number of descriptions: 5
Question ratio: 8,6%
Exclamation ratio: 10%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 3  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mychael Ritoryn
Elania al'Manir
Zashara Sho'am
Jeryn Lekar
Brandon Tataru
The latest lines
5.7. 23:18<Alyccea> check your pms when you're free :)
23:18<Alyccea> yeah
23:20<Alyccea> Um... I don't know? I'm not an expert on this hangout thing
23:20<Alyccea> oh ok
23:23<Alyccea> boo
23:25<Alyccea> thanks ^^
23:25<Alyccea> Thank you! :D
23:35<Alyccea> G'morfternight
4 Nymala Ingasy
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
Last talked: 5.7. 6:58
Visits: 12
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 266
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 38
Average letters per line: 25,5
Number of descriptions: 51
Topics set: 2
Question ratio: 11%
Exclamation ratio: 9,0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 3  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Wil Cambrae
Bryher al'Venna
Mendo Cath
Wilin Stoneriver
Alyria Savoinya
The latest lines
5.7. 6:49<Nymala> You know what, I really don't want to know
6:50<Nymala> You heard me :P
6:50<Nymala> No, just no.
6:51* Nymala nods
6:54<Nymala> Gnight and Happy Fourth, Wil <3
6:58<Nymala> Gnight everyone! <3
6:58*** Nymala has left #wheel
5 Wil Cambrae
City: Garrison
Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
Last talked: 5.7. 6:55
Visits: 10
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 259
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 52
Average letters per line: 42,3
Number of descriptions: 17
Question ratio: 19%
Exclamation ratio: 2,3%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Nymala Ingasy
Bryher al'Venna
Amarande al'Kalin
Elania al'Manir
The latest lines
5.7. 6:54<WilCambrae> anyway, time for me to trundle off
6:54<WilCambrae> have a happy Fourth ladies
6:55<WilCambrae> <3
6:55*** WilCambrae has quit IRC (Quit: “There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”)
6 Mendo Cath
City: Barracks
Last talked: 4.7. 18:00
Visits: 6
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 193
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 39
Average letters per line: 22,9
Number of descriptions: 1
CAPS ratio: 0,5%
Question ratio: 12%
Exclamation ratio: 25%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 6  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Other (2)
Elania al'Manir
Mychael Ritoryn
Zashara Sho'am
Nymala Ingasy
The latest lines
4.7. 16:43<mendo|lawn> o/
16:43<mendo> o/ Nymala
16:51<mendo> o/ CassieDainar
16:52<mendo> sok
16:52<mendo> getting ready to go to the ranch for the 4th
17:20<mendo> lol
18:00<mendo> ok
18:00<mendo> im out
18:00<mendo> ttfn
18:00*** mendo has quit IRC (Quit: out)
7 Jeryn Lekar
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
Last talked: 5.7. 23:24
Visits: 16
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 168
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 24
Average letters per line: 16,6
Number of descriptions: 9
CAPS ratio: 5,4%
Question ratio: 4,8%
Exclamation ratio: 11%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Aryawnah Federov
Alyccea Nymaessene
Elania al'Manir
Mychael Ritoryn
The latest lines
5.7. 23:22<Jeryn> heck
23:24<Jeryn> oh and happy birthday
23:24<Jeryn> well, not in my timezone for another 35 minutes but hey
8 Brandon Tataru
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
Last talked: 4.7. 23:25
Visits: 7
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 167
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 33
Average letters per line: 31,4
Number of descriptions: 33
Question ratio: 11%
Exclamation ratio: 18%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Elania al'Manir
Mychael Ritoryn
Karassa Souladrin
Ahmyra al'Ruley
Alyccea Nymaessene
The latest lines
4.7. 4:18<Brandon> It's so unfortunate he was ill at Anni. It would have been nice spending some time with him.
4:21<Brandon> Thanks
4:22<Brandon> See. Now who is the one being mean? lol
4:35*** Brandon has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
23:14*** Brandon has joined #wheel
23:17<Brandon> Hey Mejj
23:20<Brandon> Nice
23:25* Brandon yawns
23:29*** Brandon has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
9 Alyria Savoinya
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
Last talked: 2.7. 4:23
Visits: 2
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 150
Active days: 3/7
Average lines per day: 50
Average letters per line: 30,5
Number of descriptions: 5
CAPS ratio: 0,7%
Question ratio: 6,7%
Exclamation ratio: 2,7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Wilin Stoneriver
Nymala Ingasy
The latest lines
2.7. 4:13<Alyria> guys
4:13<Alyria> to
4:13<Alyria> myself
4:13<Alyria> .
4:23<Alyria> Yes Wil, with help from a buddy they went to get our other car.
10 Wilin Stoneriver
City: Tar Valon
Last talked: 5.7. 20:37
Visits: 7
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 148
Active days: 4/7
Average lines per day: 37
Average letters per line: 36,7
Question ratio: 7,4%
Exclamation ratio: 2,0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Alyria Savoinya
Nymala Ingasy
The latest lines
4.7. 22:01*** Wilin has joined #wheel
23:51*** Wilin has quit IRC (Quit: if you're reading this, I've gone)
5.7. 20:35*** Wilin has joined #wheel
20:37<Wilin> Hey
20:47*** Wilin has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
11  Autumn Sapphira
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
Last talked: 1.7. 17:00
Visits: 3
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 146
Active days: 2/7
Average lines per day: 73
Average letters per line: 22,4
Number of descriptions: 3
Question ratio: 4,8%
Exclamation ratio: 10%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Elania al'Manir
Mychael Ritoryn
Luna Morn
Murasaki al'Aevon
The latest lines
1.7. 16:35<Autumn> faster and more features than the 9000
16:35<Autumn> >.>
17:00<Autumn> ok i have appointments today
17:00<Autumn> see you tomorrow!
17:00*** Autumn has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
12 Bryher al'Venna
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
Last talked: 5.7. 6:55
Visits: 2
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 131
Active days: 2/7
Average lines per day: 66
Average letters per line: 36,1
Number of descriptions: 4
CAPS ratio: 2,3%
Question ratio: 6,1%
Exclamation ratio: 6,9%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Wil Cambrae
Nymala Ingasy
The latest lines
5.7. 6:46<Bryher> I know you just wanted to picture me in a corset and heels, Wil. It's ok.
6:46<Bryher> :P
6:46<Bryher> Oh, now I'm curious.
6:48<Bryher> Fair enough.
6:55<Bryher> Night Wil
6:59*** Bryher has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
13 Ninya Evoneigh
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
Last talked: 3.7. 21:41
Visits: 2
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 124
Active days: 1/7
Average lines per day: 124
Average letters per line: 32,7
Number of descriptions: 8
CAPS ratio: 2,4%
Question ratio: 3,2%
Exclamation ratio: 4,8%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Amarande al'Kalin
Elania al'Manir
The latest lines
3.7. 21:34* Ninya smites Jeryn
21:40<Ninya> shiver of kidneys
21:40<Ninya> sounds like a group of kidneys
21:41<Ninya> yes
22:04*** Ninya has quit IRC
14 Aryawnah Federov
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
Last talked: 3.7. 21:53
Visits: 4
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 123
Active days: 4/7
Average lines per day: 31
Average letters per line: 19,8
Number of descriptions: 7
CAPS ratio: 3,3%
Question ratio: 2,4%
Exclamation ratio: 25%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Elania al'Manir
Jeryn Lekar
Mychael Ritoryn
Brandon Tataru
The latest lines
3.7. 21:37<Aryawnah> And then Aryawnah should say shiver of kidneys
21:38<Aryawnah> ^^
21:53<Aryawnah> I love strawberries in all their forms. mmmmmm
21:58*** Aryawnah has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
15 Zashara Sho'am
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
Last talked: 4.7. 4:49
Visits: 15
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 122
Active days: 4/7
Average lines per day: 30
Average letters per line: 26,4
Number of descriptions: 2
CAPS ratio: 3,3%
Question ratio: 3,3%
Exclamation ratio: 9,0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 3  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Alyccea Nymaessene
Elania al'Manir
Mychael Ritoryn
Mendo Cath
Deoan Kakarot
The latest lines
4.7. 4:49<Zasha> Can't sleep
4:49<Zasha> even with ambien >:
4:49<Zasha> idk maybe I'll try and sleep again in a bit
5:33*** Zasha has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
11:52*** Zasha has joined #wheel
11:55*** Zasha has quit IRC (Client Quit)
16:14*** Zasha has joined #wheel
17:44*** Zasha has quit IRC
5.7. 14:53*** Zasha has joined #wheel
17:09*** Zasha has quit IRC

Played with Bela the most!

  Nick Line Count Sample Quote
1 Elania al'Manir  34 "!thumbsup "your mom""
2 Mendo Cath  33 "!fish"
3 Brandon Tataru  18 "!ahmyra Ahmyra"
4 Aryawnah Federov  16 "!dance"
5 Mychael Ritoryn  14 "!aryawnah M.E.N.D.O."
6 Autumn Sapphira  9 "!eli mychael"
7 Alyccea Nymaessene  5 "!deoan"
8 Zashara Sho'am  4 "!zasha Jeryn"
9 Nymala Ingasy  4 "!autumn Brandon"
10 Ninya Evoneigh  3 "!f2c 93"
11 Ahmyra al'Ruley  3 "!ahmyra Mychael"
12 Jeryn Lekar  2 "!defen Mychael."

Mentioned the most Wheel of Time references:

  Nick Line Count Sample Quote
1 Mychael Ritoryn  9 "cause I’m a good soldier!"
2 Elania al'Manir  9 "Brilliant."
3 Jeryn Lekar  4 "I have yet to finish WoT. XD"
4 Alyccea Nymaessene  4 "luckily, I am a helpful Accepted :acurtsey"
5 Wil Cambrae  3 "not complaining about JordanCon, but it is a small con lol"
6 Nymala Ingasy  3 "With *Aes Sedai* style and grace, thank you very much"
7 Brandon Tataru  3 "The follow through, eh. But then I'm not a huge fan of Sanderson."
8 Roheryn Galghandhrei  2 "I'm wondering who's brilliant idea it was to let me be in charge of anything :D"
9 Mendo Cath  2 "wb AsandraSedai"

Top 15 smiley using guys on #wheel

  Nick Line Count Sample Quote
1 Mychael Ritoryn  63 "but pot roast will do nicely too =)"
2 Amarande al'Kalin  31 "Elania, now you can afford to order an ergo chair :)"
3 Nymala Ingasy  19 "I mean, if you'd like to Sedai me, I can certainly change my nick ;)"
4 Autumn Sapphira  18 "bit groggy, but ok :) You?"
5 Elania al'Manir  9 "I may not have an !elania command, but I definitely contribute. ;)"
6 Alyccea Nymaessene  9 "Not bad :) Procrastinating about studying (surprise, surprise) :p"
7 Aryawnah Federov  8 "'ello Poppet. ;)"
8 Luna Morn  7 "And Elania. :D"
9 Roheryn Galghandhrei  6 "This just proves to me that tv today is all ridiculous... all those channels, and what am I watching?
Reba... :D"
10 Ninya Evoneigh  6 "that person doesn't know what they're doing ;)"
11 Elyss  6 ";)"
12 Asandra al'Terra  6 "stressed! but surviving :)"
13 Wil Cambrae  5 "ahh, ok :D"
14 Leo Kian  5 "I will, I like surprises :D"
15 CassieDainar  5 "hmm...must be Jeryn's fault then ;)"

Top 15 greeting people

  Nick Line Count Sample Quote
1 Mychael Ritoryn  29 "hi zimone =)"
2 Nymala Ingasy  25 "hi Elania!"
3 Alyccea Nymaessene  11 "Morfternight :D"
4 Autumn Sapphira  10 "morning, all :)"
5 Mendo Cath  9 "o/ Nymala"
6 Brandon Tataru  7 "Hi All"
7 Amarande al'Kalin  5 "Heya Elania :)"
8 Zalina  3 "hello everyone!!"
9 Wilin Stoneriver  3 "Hey"
10 CassieDainar  3 "\o How goes it?"
11 Bryher al'Venna  3 "Hi Saki"
12 Asandra al'Terra  3 "hi all! how are you?"
13 Zashara Sho'am  2 "heya Hilary"
14 Wil Cambrae  2 "\o mendo"
15 Elyss  2 "Hello Khisanth :)"

#wheel's cool guys

  Nick Line Count Sample Quote
1 Nymala Ingasy  3 "the Skyrim ones were cool too"
2 Elania al'Manir  2 "I have CAH. And as many people as possible? I'm going to be with my extended family this weekend
, and while there are going to be some times when we have two games going, it'd bee cool to..."
3 CassieDainar  2 "cool. we're going to Soro's folk's house for a bit tomorrow, but will be at home before dark."
4 Bryher al'Venna  2 "A lot of those were cool"

Top 9 link advertisers

  Nick Line Count Sample Quote
1 Wil Cambrae  30 "https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/q42/s480x480/11665487_101534927224...
2 Nymala Ingasy  5 "https://www.yuengling.com/breweries/tampa/"
3 Mendo Cath  4 "http://www.amazon.com/Enchanted-Forest-Inky-Quest-Coloring/dp/1780674880"
4 Karassa Souladrin  3 "https://cuteoverload.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/oink.jpg?w=770&h=770"
5 Elania al'Manir  3 "https://www.tarvalon.net/showthread.php?17768-Google-Inbox"
6 Mejjad Martnandi  2 "https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/11403263_10152865120476039_877687...
this is..."
7 Deoan Kakarot  2 "http://i.imgur.com/7M1D8iG.webm"
8 Bryher al'Venna  2 "Awww. I love my guys in DM."
9 Amarande al'Kalin  2 "I mean, take a gander at, just as an example (dammit, why haven't I won the lotto yet?) http://pcpartp...

Big Numbers

Nymala Ingasy liked showing off, giving 51 self-descriptions.
 3.7. 22:23 * Nymala blinks
Wil Cambrae was uncertain about many things - 19% of lines contained a question.

Elania al'Manir was also looking for answers with a question ratio of 13%.

Jeryn Lekar had a sticky shift button - he wrote 9 lines in CAPS.
 3.7. 12:27 <Jeryn> BEGONE
Amarande al'Kalin didn't know when to stop typing, averaging 69 letters per line.

Average line length on #wheel was 32 letters.

People with the most nicknames (still haven't found the best one, Mendo Cath...)
Mendo Cath6 Nicks mendo(93%), mendo|working(3,6%), mendobinks(1,0%), mendo|lawn(0,5%), mendo|cooking(0,5%), mendo|lunch(0,5%)
Amarande al'Kalin4 Nicks Amarande(100%), Amaranade(0,0%), Ama|work(0,0%), Ama|ZzzZz(0,0%)
Alyccea Nymaessene3 Nicks Alyccea(97%), Alyccea|B5(2,6%), Alycceafk(0,0%)
Nymala Ingasy3 Nicks Nymala(99%), Nym_NAP(0,8%), Nym_AWAY(0,0%)
Zashara Sho'am3 Nicks Zasha(98%), Zasha_(1,6%), Zashara(0,0%)

Friends in #wheel

People who talk most to each other

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 Alyria SavoinyaWilin Stoneriver 1 Nymala IngasyWil Cambrae
2 Nymala IngasyWil Cambrae 2 Bryher al'VennaWil Cambrae
3 Nymala IngasyAlyria Savoinya 3 Bryher al'VennaNymala Ingasy
4 Nymala IngasyMendo Cath
5 Bryher al'VennaWil Cambrae

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 Alyccea NymaesseneMychael Ritoryn 1 Elania al'ManirMychael Ritoryn
2 Elania al'ManirMychael Ritoryn 2 Elania al'ManirMendo Cath
3 Elania al'ManirAutumn Sapphira 3 Amarande al'KalinNinya Evoneigh
4 Autumn SapphiraMychael Ritoryn 4 Aryawnah FederovElania al'Manir
5 Autumn SapphiraLuna Morn 5 Aryawnah FederovJeryn Lekar
6 Alyccea NymaesseneElania al'Manir 6 Brandon TataruElania al'Manir
7 Brandon TataruElania al'Manir 7 Brandon TataruMychael Ritoryn
8 Luna MornElania al'Manir 8 Aryawnah FederovMychael Ritoryn
9 Alyccea NymaesseneZashara Sho'am 9 Elania al'ManirNinya Evoneigh
10 Deoan KakarotZashara Sho'am 10 CassieDainarElyss

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days
1 Nymala Ingasy  7
2 Amarande al'Kalin  7
3 Jeryn Lekar  7
4 Elania al'Manir  6
5 Alyccea Nymaessene  6
6 Brandon Tataru  5
7 Mychael Ritoryn  5
8 Wil Cambrae  5
9 Murasaki al'Aevon  5
10 Mendo Cath  5
11 Asandra al'Terra  4
12 Wilin Stoneriver  4
13 Aryawnah Federov  4
14 Zashara Sho'am  4
15 Ahmyra al'Ruley  3
16 Karassa Souladrin  3
17 Kerna Shedrian  3
18 CassieDainar  3
19 Nandi el'Shahir  3
20 Alyria Savoinya  3

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At
1 Jeryn Lekar  7 29.6. - 5.7.2015
2 Amarande al'Kalin  7 29.6. - 5.7.2015
3 Nymala Ingasy  7 29.6. - 5.7.2015
4 Alyccea Nymaessene  6 30.6. - 5.7.2015
5 Elania al'Manir  6 29.6. - 4.7.2015
6 Mychael Ritoryn  5 29.6. - 3.7.2015
7 Brandon Tataru  5 30.6. - 4.7.2015
8 Asandra al'Terra  4 30.6. - 3.7.2015
9 Aryawnah Federov  4 30.6. - 3.7.2015
10 Murasaki al'Aevon  4 2.7. - 5.7.2015
11 Kerna Shedrian  3 1.7. - 3.7.2015
12 Karassa Souladrin  3 30.6. - 2.7.2015
13 Mendo Cath  3 29.6. - 1.7.2015

Activity distribution

2/2015 - 7/2015

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0,6%)
4 (2,6%)
2 (1,3%)
9 (5,8%)
13 (8,4%)
32 (21%)
36 (23%)
31 (20%)
23 (15%)
4 (2,6%)


2 / 2015
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28
Lines: 25938
3 / 2015
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Lines: 26772
4 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30
Lines: 28669
5 / 2015
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Lines: 30052
6 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
Lines: 28976
7 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5
Lines: 2648

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
60.. 1 Amarande al'Kalin(69,2)
50..59 0 -
40..49 1 Wil Cambrae(42,3)
30..39 8 Elania al'Manir(38,1), Wilin Stoneriver(36,7), Bryher al'Venna(36,1), Aly...
20..29 4 Zashara Sho'am(26,4), Nymala Ingasy(25,5), Mendo Cath(22,9), Autu...
..19 2 Aryawnah Federov(19,8), Jeryn Lekar(16,6)

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

#wheel's popular words

Count Word Last used by At
44 "morning" Alyccea Nymaessene 5.7. 12:52
33 "actually" CassieDainar 4.7. 21:44
33 "Because" Wil Cambrae 5.7. 6:28
29 "probably" Amarande al'Kalin 5.7. 6:25
27 "something" Bryher al'Venna 5.7. 6:33
21 "everyone" Nymala Ingasy 5.7. 6:58
18 "already" Bryher al'Venna 5.7. 6:36
18 "awesome" Nymala Ingasy 5.7. 6:11
18 "working" CassieDainar 4.7. 21:44
17 "command" Mejjad Martnandi 4.7. 23:18

Frequently mentioned nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
91 "Mychael Ritoryn" Elania al'Manir 3.7. 21:37
53 "Elania al'Manir" Mendo Cath 3.7. 23:21
36 "Brandon Tataru" Mejjad Martnandi 4.7. 23:17
35 "Mendo Cath" Nymala Ingasy 4.7. 16:43
33 "Aryawnah Federov" Aryawnah Federov 3.7. 21:37

These people talk in their own (strange) language...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
5 Mychael Ritoryn "don’t"(6), "we’re"(6), "how’s"(4), "we’ll"(3), "you’re"(4)
3 Alyccea Nymaessene "software"(3), "economics"(4), "morfternight"(6)
2 Amarande al'Kalin "squirrel"(3), "photoshop"(6)

These pairs have a language all to themselves
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
6 Ninya Evoneigh and Amarande al'Kalin "servers"(3), "Outlook"(3), "familiar"(4), "microsoft"(4), "Expensive"(3), "subscription"(12)
5 Mychael Ritoryn and Alyccea Nymaessene "special"(3), "students"(4), "australia"(4), "everybody"(3), "corporation"(3)
2 Mychael Ritoryn and Wilin Stoneriver "Germany"(3), "saturday"(3)
2 Elania al'Manir and Zashara Sho'am "punches"(4), "Pandemic"(3)
2 Wil Cambrae and Amarande al'Kalin "Edition"(4), "Commander"(10)
2 Mychael Ritoryn and Elania al'Manir "Chicken"(3), "flatbread"(3)
2 Wil Cambrae and Bryher al'Venna "Florida"(3), "impressive"(3)
2 Nymala Ingasy and Bryher al'Venna "Charlie"(3), "snuggles"(3)
2 Alyria Savoinya and Wilin Stoneriver "Virginia"(9), "distance"(4)

The battle of the sexes on #wheel

  Gender Line Count Nicks
1 Girls 1973 Elania al'Manir(18,4%), Alyccea Nymaessene(13,6%),
Nymala Ingasy(13,5%), Alyria Savoinya(7,60%), ...
2 Boys 1575 Mychael Ritoryn(26,5%), Wil Cambrae(16,4%),
Mendo Cath(12,3%), Jeryn Lekar(10,7%), ...

Top locations by line count

  City Line Count Inhabitants
1 The Ajah Quarters 1195 Nymala Ingasy(22,3%), Alyria Savoinya(12,6%),
Autumn Sapphira(12,2%), Bryher al'Venna(11,0%), ...
2 Garrison 770 Wil Cambrae(33,6%), Jeryn Lekar(21,8%),
Brandon Tataru(21,7%), Amarande al'Kalin(14,0%), ...
3 Dormitory 744 Elania al'Manir(48,8%), Alyccea Nymaessene(36,0%),
Ahmyra al'Ruley(7,80%), Luna Morn(5,91%), Leo Kian(1,48%)
4 Barracks 684 Mychael Ritoryn(61,0%), Mendo Cath(28,2%),
Murasaki al'Aevon(6,58%), Mejjad Martnandi(4,24%)
5 Tar Valon 149 Wilin Stoneriver(99,3%), Berior Alaeyn(0,67%)
6 Chat 6 Ghorum Nuchin(83,3%), Cobrakhan007(16,7%)

Team activity comparison

  Team Line Count Members
1 Soldier 655 Mychael Ritoryn(63,7%), Mendo Cath(29,5%),
Murasaki al'Aevon(6,87%)
2 Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah 496 Nymala Ingasy(53,6%), Alyria Savoinya(30,2%),
Asandra al'Terra(4,84%), Karassa Souladrin(4,23%), ...
3 Accepted 381 Alyccea Nymaessene(70,3%), Ahmyra al'Ruley(15,2%),
Luna Morn(11,5%), Leo Kian(2,89%)
4 Novice 363 Elania al'Manir
5 Gaidin of Dai M'Hael 343 Brandon Tataru(48,7%), Amarande al'Kalin(31,5%),
Deoan Kakarot(8,75%), Paxam Leratharn(6,12%), ...
6 Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 277 Autumn Sapphira(52,7%), Bryher al'Venna(47,3%)
7 Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah 273 Ninya Evoneigh(45,4%), Aryawnah Federov(45,1%),
Roheryn Galghandhrei(9,52%)
8 Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar 259 Wil Cambrae
9 Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb 168 Jeryn Lekar
10 Citizen 149 Wilin Stoneriver(99,3%), Berior Alaeyn(0,67%)

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