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Personal stats

1  Mejjad Martnandi
City: Barracks
Last talked: 20.9. 22:34
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 356
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 51
Average letters per line: 25,8
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 7,3%
Exclamation ratio: 9,0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mendo Cath
| ocke
Enya Tawarwaith
Marivea al'Corriyi
Kerwin Thaumiel
The latest lines
20.9. 20:48<mejjad> ok, that was that. She wanted to sleep in her bed instead, lol
20:48<mejjad> night :)
20:51<mejjad> :) good thing your bf is on the same page
20:51<mejjad> ah, she left
21:13<mejjad> you too :)
21:30<mejjad> \o
22:05<mejjad> xD
22:05<mejjad> who are you :|
22:34<mejjad> Good night!
2 Ninya Evoneigh
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
Last talked: 20.9. 5:38
Visits: 2
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 297
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 59
Average letters per line: 33,6
Number of descriptions: 19
Question ratio: 4,0%
Exclamation ratio: 1,0%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Wil Cambrae
Mendo Cath
Nandi el'Shahir
The latest lines
19.9. 21:33<Ninya|werkitwerkit> in depressing, yet happy news, Baby Doe got identified
21:33* Ninya|werkitwerkit is happy she gets a name at last.
20.9. 5:38<Ninya|werkitwerkit> shocking
5:38<Ninya|werkitwerkit> oh jeez
3 Mendo Cath
City: Barracks
Last talked: 20.9. 19:08
Visits: 3
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 268
Active days: 6/7
Average lines per day: 45
Average letters per line: 30,2
Question ratio: 20%
Exclamation ratio: 4,1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 3  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mejjad Martnandi
Defen Estrator
Wil Cambrae
Ninya Evoneigh
Nandi el'Shahir
The latest lines
20.9. 18:42<mendo> so I tab complete too fast
18:58<mendo> o/
19:08<mendo> the magma that flows via his vains?
4 Kerwin Thaumiel
City: Barracks
Last talked: 20.9. 22:29
Visits: 3
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 220
Active days: 6/7
Average lines per day: 37
Average letters per line: 47,4
Number of descriptions: 3
Question ratio: 10%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Nyavene al'Meer
Enya Tawarwaith
Karassa Souladrin
Mejjad Martnandi
The latest lines
20.9. 22:08<thaumiel> that question can only you answer :)
22:10<thaumiel> wb Amarande
22:29<thaumiel> wb Nyavene
5 Karassa Souladrin
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
Last talked: 19.9. 19:46
Visits: 9
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 139
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 28
Average letters per line: 55,9
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 8,6%
Exclamation ratio: 17%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Kerwin Thaumiel
Brandon Tataru
The latest lines
19.9. 19:33<karassa sedai> Like, if I take too long going to the bathroom, it disconnects. :p
19:46<karassa sedai> I have no idea what the difference between "Maximum power saving" and "Low power saving" is, in regards to my wifi adapter. :p
20:01*** karassa sedai has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
6 Myra|Work
Last talked: 19.9. 22:04
Visits: 6
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 133
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 27
Average letters per line: 23,4
Number of descriptions: 9
Question ratio: 8,3%
Exclamation ratio: 14%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 2  Likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Kerwin Thaumiel
Karassa Souladrin
Iria Saronin
The latest lines
19.9. 21:46<Myra|Work> peppermint oil works wonders for my migraines thaumiel
21:59<Myra|Work> hey leo
22:00<Myra|Work> that is no fun...
22:02<Myra|Work> :(
22:04<Myra|Work> that is my plan for tomorrow morning
22:18*** Myra|Work has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
7 Jeryn Lekar
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
Last talked: 20.9. 23:59
Visits: 11
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 128
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 18
Average letters per line: 18,2
Number of descriptions: 20
Question ratio: 4,7%
Exclamation ratio: 20%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Nyavene al'Meer
Kerwin Thaumiel
The latest lines
20.9. 21:59<Jeryn> Welcome back friend!
22:22<Jeryn> 22:22!
23:59* Jeryn gives Marivea a cookie.
8 Wil Cambrae
City: Garrison
Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
Last talked: 19.9. 20:26
Visits: 28
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 120
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 24
Average letters per line: 26,5
Number of descriptions: 12
Question ratio: 10%
Exclamation ratio: 0,8%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Ninya Evoneigh
Laralelle Susandrea
Mendo Cath
The latest lines
19.9. 19:59<WilCambrae> Ninya, you're not working :p
20:09<WilCambrae> mhmmm
20:09<WilCambrae> carry on
20:26<WilCambrae> and I'm out for the day
20:26<WilCambrae> later folks
20:26*** WilCambrae has quit IRC (Quit: “There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”)
9 Iria Saronin
City: Tar Valon
Last talked: 20.9. 20:48
Visits: 3
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 120
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 24
Average letters per line: 28,8
Question ratio: 7,5%
Exclamation ratio: 36%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Nyavene al'Meer
Mejjad Martnandi
The latest lines
20.9. 20:48<iria> mejjad: awwwwwww haha :D
20:48<iria> adorable!!!
20:48<iria> I'm off to bed, now. :) happy weekend to you all!
20:49*** iria has quit IRC (Quit: leaving)
10 Nyavene al'Meer
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
Last talked: 20.9. 22:36
Visits: 24
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 116
Active days: 7/7
Average lines per day: 17
Average letters per line: 29,7
Number of descriptions: 13
Question ratio: 18%
Exclamation ratio: 17%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Number of nicks used: 6  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Other (2)
Kerwin Thaumiel
Jeryn Lekar
Iria Saronin
Mejjad Martnandi
The latest lines
20.9. 21:50*** Nyavene has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
22:03<Nya> Thank you!
22:03<Nya> This internet is killing me
22:04*** Nyavene is now known as Guest42616
22:34<Nyavene> Thanks :)
22:36<Nyavene> Night!
23:06*** Nyavene has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
23:15*** Nyavene has joined #wheel
23:19*** Nyavene is now known as Nya|afk
23:23*** Nya|afk has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
11  Enya Tawarwaith
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
Last talked: 20.9. 21:13
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 106
Active days: 3/7
Average lines per day: 35
Average letters per line: 32,3
Number of descriptions: 2
Question ratio: 9,4%
Exclamation ratio: 4,7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mejjad Martnandi
Kerwin Thaumiel
| ocke
Marivea al'Corriyi
The latest lines
20.9. 20:43<Enya> :D
21:13<Enya> I'm off too. had a long day, just needed to return to planet earth for a bit
21:13<Enya> have a nice weekend :)
12 Marivea al'Corriyi
City: The Ajah Quarters
Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah
Last talked: 18.9. 3:57
Visits: 10
IRC Status: Operator
Lines: 98
Active days: 5/7
Average lines per day: 20
Average letters per line: 32,6
Number of descriptions: 7
Question ratio: 3,1%
Exclamation ratio: 12%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  She likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mejjad Martnandi
Enya Tawarwaith
| ocke
The latest lines
18.9. 3:56<Marivea> whoa! Keisha!
3:57* Marivea tacklehuggles Keishaaaaaa
3:57<Marivea> long time no see
8:08*** Marivea has quit IRC (Quit: Je deteste tout le monde.)
19.9. 6:29*** Marivea has joined #wheel
11:34*** Marivea has quit IRC (Quit: Je deteste tout le monde.)
20.9. 23:23*** Marivea has joined #wheel
13 | ocke
Last talked: 16.9. 9:28
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 85
Active days: 1/7
Average lines per day: 85
Average letters per line: 29,2
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 3,5%
Exclamation ratio: 1,2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Likes chatting with:
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mejjad Martnandi
Enya Tawarwaith
Marivea al'Corriyi
The latest lines
16.9. 9:20<| ocke> yeh, he texted me like 2 pictures yesterday, both having something to do with frozen
9:24<| ocke> build of what
9:27<| ocke> cool
9:27<| ocke> i'm heading to bed
9:28<| ocke> i'll be around tomorrow
14 Defen Estrator
City: Garrison
Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
Last talked: 20.9. 18:42
Visits: 4
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 65
Active days: 4/7
Average lines per day: 16
Average letters per line: 59,7
Question ratio: 4,6%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Mendo Cath
The latest lines
20.9. 7:59*** Defen has quit IRC (Quit: Refrain from excessive verbosity on occasions where concise verbiage is sufficient.)
18:41*** Defen has joined #wheel
18:42<Defen> Man, we're gonna have to change our names to the "less confusing" versions again
15 Cieon
Last talked: 18.9. 2:33
Visits: 3
IRC Status: Normal user
Lines: 46
Active days: 3/7
Average lines per day: 15
Average letters per line: 39,1
Question ratio: 20%
Exclamation ratio: 2,2%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
The latest lines
18.9. 1:41<Cieon> Oh, manual.... Right. *cough*
2:33<Cieon> *runs away while waving goodbye to all the cool people*
2:33*** Cieon has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)

Played with Bela the most!

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Mejjad Martnandi  12 "!thumbsup"
2 Myra|Work  9 "!ahmyra Jeryn_"
3 Nandi el'Shahir  5 "!eli mendo"
4 Brandon Tataru  5 "!eli Myra"
5 Mendo Cath  2 "!!! Last book tour is coming to Houston!"
6 Marivea al'Corriyi  2 "!commands"

Mentioned the most Wheel of Time references:

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Kerwin Thaumiel  8 "I would like to say that most ajahs have lewd minds."
2 Myra|Work  7 "Hey karassa_sedai"
3 Mejjad Martnandi  7 "lol karassa_sedai"
4 Marivea al'Corriyi  4 "http://pre14.deviantart.net/4ee8/th/pre/i/2006/232/e/0/wheel_of_time_dolls_by_aeternus_spero.jpg"
5 Mendo Cath  3 ""Took 27 hours with out brake for one of the novices.""
6 Enya Tawarwaith  2 "hi #wheel"
7 Brandon Tataru  2 "Now if we really want to torture Karassa, we just need to get a bunch of soldiers to start pinning
random crap using her account."

Top 15 smiley using guys on #wheel

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Kerwin Thaumiel  47 "Enya, well I think you could try with salmon sushi for a 2 year old :)"
2 Mejjad Martnandi  31 ":D"
3 Nyavene al'Meer  23 "Brandon, evidently you haven't met me :D"
4 Amarande al'Kalin  19 "Nya :)"
5 Wil Cambrae  15 "hehe good work :)"
6 Iria Saronin  13 "let me offer you this pic of a bored.. something :D https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/08/37/...
7 Enya Tawarwaith  10 "yeay, I got the example barebone to run :D"
8 Mendo Cath  9 "see if I break any thing :D"
9 Cieon  7 ":)"
10 Nymala Ingasy  6 "and happy new year to you too, chaveri :)"
11 Autumn Sapphira  6 "hey iria :) and thaum"
12 Myra|Work  5 ";) no worries"
13 Jeryn Lekar  5 ":D"
14 Ninya Evoneigh  4 ";)"
15 Nandi el'Shahir  3 ":D"

Top 15 greeting people

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Iria Saronin  21 "Hi Elania!"
2 Nymala Ingasy  15 "hi there Lara"
3 Mendo Cath  11 "good morning!"
4 Kerwin Thaumiel  10 "morning Kerna"
5 Nyavene al'Meer  8 "Hello Jeryn and Kerna :)"
6 Enya Tawarwaith  6 "hi thaumiel"
7 Mejjad Martnandi  4 "morning nick mejjad; msg chanserv op #wheel mejjad; say morning; lastlog mejjad 10; say !mejjad"
8 Cieon  4 "Hi Nymala :)"
9 Anarie De'Thain  4 "Hi guys!"
10 Jeryn Lekar  3 "Heya hot stuff!"
11 Deoan Kakarot  3 "hi thaum"
12 Wil Cambrae  2 "morning cuzzie"
13 Ninya Evoneigh  2 "hi ^^"
14 Murasaki al'Aevon  2 "hey"
15 Laralelle Susandrea  2 "hi nym"

Top 12 link advertisers

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 Mejjad Martnandi  15 "thaumiel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HCL_Technologies"
2 Karassa Souladrin  15 "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/451485931366713962/"
3 Wil Cambrae  7 "also this https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12002238_1053071291378423...
4 Kerwin Thaumiel  6 "I will get it at the same time I'm going to buy 20th anniversery version of Hackers, which I have
to get from amazon.com."
5 Marivea al'Corriyi  4 "http://pre14.deviantart.net/4ee8/th/pre/i/2006/232/e/0/wheel_of_time_dolls_by_aeternus_spero.jpg"
6 Rit'koma Imorj  3 "https://www.facebook.com/events/1064945036872948/"
7 Mendo Cath  3 "https://www.tarvalon.net/showthread.php?19238-This-is-a-test&p=952825#post952825"
8 Cobrakhan007  3 "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho9TbIbtIUY"
9 Jeryn Lekar  2 "iria: http://swedensimulator.com/game.html"
10 Iria Saronin  2 "mejjad: I guess you could ask these marketing managers: http://www.yara.fi/ota-yhteytta/ (Tuulikki&S...
11 Enya Tawarwaith  2 "is this you? http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p278/sba90/Random%20editing/locke_dress.jpg"
12 Deoan Kakarot  2 "I recommend this as a desk reference: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0596158084?psc=1&red...

Big Numbers

Wil Cambrae couldn't decide whether to come or go and he joined #wheel 28 times during this reporting period...
Jeryn Lekar liked showing off, giving 20 self-descriptions.
 19.9. 12:05 * Jeryn huffs and walks afk for a bit.
Karassa Souladrin was overly verbose, averaging 56 letters per line.

(normal people in #wheel wrote about 32 letters/line)

People with the most nicknames (they just couldn't find the right one...)
Nyavene al'Meer6 Nicks Nyavene(93%), Nya|nomming(4,3%), Nya(2,6%), Nya|afk(0,0%), Nyavene|afk(0,0%), Nya|Work(0,0%)
Mendo Cath3 Nicks mendo(99%), mendo|afk(0,7%), Mendo|dinner(0,0%)

Chat partners

People who like talking to each other

Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12
1 Laralelle SusandreaWil Cambrae 1 Mejjad Martnandi| ocke
2 Nandi el'ShahirMendo Cath 2 Mejjad MartnandiMarivea al'Corriyi
3 Mendo CathNinya Evoneigh 3 Mejjad MartnandiEnya Tawarwaith
4 Nandi el'ShahirNinya Evoneigh 4 Nyavene al'MeerKerwin Thaumiel
5 Cobrakhan007Ninya Evoneigh 5 Enya Tawarwaith| ocke
6 Mejjad MartnandiKerwin Thaumiel
7 Enya TawarwaithKerwin Thaumiel
8 Marivea al'Corriyi| ocke
9 Marivea al'CorriyiEnya Tawarwaith

Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24
1 Mejjad MartnandiMendo Cath 1 Ninya EvoneighWil Cambrae
2 Myra|WorkKerwin Thaumiel 2 Mejjad MartnandiMendo Cath
3 Myra|WorkIria Saronin

Active day counts

Most days active

  Nick Number of days
1 Mejjad Martnandi  7
2 Jeryn Lekar  7
3 Nyavene al'Meer  7
4 Kerwin Thaumiel  6
5 Nymala Ingasy  6
6 Murasaki al'Aevon  6
7 Mendo Cath  6
8 Rit'koma Imorj  6
9 Ahmyra al'Ruley  5
10 Amarande al'Kalin  5
11 Marivea al'Corriyi  5
12 Wil Cambrae  5
13 Ninya Evoneigh  5
14 Myra|Work  5
15 Iria Saronin  5
16 Karassa Souladrin  5
17 Deoan Kakarot  4
18 Defen Estrator  4
19 Cobrakhan007  4
20 Brandon Tataru  4

Most consecutive days active
  Nick Number of days At
1 Nyavene al'Meer  7 14.9. - 20.9.2015
2 Jeryn Lekar  7 14.9. - 20.9.2015
3 Mejjad Martnandi  7 14.9. - 20.9.2015
4 Kerwin Thaumiel  6 15.9. - 20.9.2015
5 Amarande al'Kalin  5 16.9. - 20.9.2015
6 Ahmyra al'Ruley  5 15.9. - 19.9.2015
7 Ninya Evoneigh  5 16.9. - 20.9.2015
8 Marivea al'Corriyi  5 14.9. - 18.9.2015
9 Murasaki al'Aevon  5 16.9. - 20.9.2015
10 Nymala Ingasy  5 16.9. - 20.9.2015
11 Karassa Souladrin  5 15.9. - 19.9.2015
12 Myra|Work  5 15.9. - 19.9.2015
13 Laralelle Susandrea  4 15.9. - 18.9.2015
14 Iria Saronin  4 14.9. - 17.9.2015
15 Mendo Cath  4 14.9. - 17.9.2015
16 Rit'koma Imorj  4 17.9. - 20.9.2015
17 Wil Cambrae  4 16.9. - 19.9.2015
18 Roheryn Galghandhrei  3 16.9. - 18.9.2015
19 Cobrakhan007  3 17.9. - 19.9.2015
20 Deoan Kakarot  3 15.9. - 17.9.2015

Activity distribution

4/2015 - 9/2015

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0,6%)
4 (2,3%)
2 (1,2%)
7 (4,0%)
8 (4,6%)
22 (13%)
19 (11%)
38 (22%)
56 (32%)
16 (9,2%)


4 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30
Lines: 28669
5 / 2015
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Lines: 30052
6 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
Lines: 28976
7 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Lines: 16468
8 / 2015
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Lines: 13795
9 / 2015
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Lines: 7646

Average line lengths

Line length Count Nicks
55.. 1 Karassa Souladrin(55,9)
50..54 0 -
45..49 1 Kerwin Thaumiel(47,4)
40..44 0 -
35..39 0 -
30..34 3 Ninya Evoneigh(33,6), Enya Tawarwaith(32,3), Mendo Cath(30,2)
25..29 4 Nyavene al'Meer(29,7), Iria Saronin(28,8), Wil Cambrae(26,5), Mejjad M...
..24 2 Myra|Work(23,4), Jeryn Lekar(18,2)

Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines

Popular words in #wheel:

Count Word Last used by At
37 "morning" Myra|Work 19.9. 22:04
26 "because" Karassa Souladrin 19.9. 15:51
18 "instead" Mejjad Martnandi 20.9. 20:48
18 "something" Nyavene al'Meer 20.9. 21:32
17 "actually" Ninya Evoneigh 19.9. 20:09
15 "anything" Mejjad Martnandi 20.9. 20:43
14 "getting" Amarande al'Kalin 20.9. 18:07
13 "working" Mendo Cath 20.9. 16:51
13 "everyone" Mendo Cath 19.9. 14:39
12 "thought" Nyarin al'Batera 18.9. 14:53

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
49 "Mejjad Martnandi" Iria Saronin 20.9. 20:48
36 "Nyavene al'Meer" Kerwin Thaumiel 20.9. 22:29
29 "Kerwin Thaumiel" Myra|Work 19.9. 21:46
28 "Mendo Cath" Nyavene al'Meer 20.9. 17:22
27 "Iria Saronin" Enya Tawarwaith 20.9. 20:36

These people have a distinctive choice of words...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount)
5 Mendo Cath "Warning"(7), "modifier"(7), "content"(3), "deprecated"(7),
2 Defen Estrator "arbitrary"(4), "vBulletin"(4)
2 Mejjad Martnandi "laptops"(4), "translate"(3)

These pairs have a language all to themselves
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample (amount)
3 Mejjad Martnandi and Marivea al'Corriyi "barista"(4), "caramel"(3), "baristas"(3)
2 Karassa Souladrin and Brandon Tataru "pinterest"(4), "marshmallows"(3)
2 Mejjad Martnandi and Iria Saronin "balcony"(3), "University"(3)
2 Mendo Cath and Kerwin Thaumiel "grilled"(3), "annoying"(3)
2 Kerwin Thaumiel and Karassa Souladrin "question"(4), "registered"(3)
2 Mendo Cath and Defen Estrator "preg_replace"(8), "preg_replace_callback"(9)
2 Kerwin Thaumiel and Nyavene al'Meer "swedish"(4), "interview"(5)
2 Ninya Evoneigh and Nyavene al'Meer "decided"(3), "business"(4)
2 Mejjad Martnandi and Kerwin Thaumiel "breakfast"(3), "certificate"(3)
2 Ninya Evoneigh and Karassa Souladrin "address"(3), "bathroom"(3)

The dominant gender on #wheel

  Gender Lines Written Nicks
1 Boys 1410 Mejjad Martnandi(25,2%), Mendo Cath(19,0%),
Kerwin Thaumiel(15,6%), Jeryn Lekar(9,08%), ...
2 Girls 1221 Ninya Evoneigh(24,3%), Karassa Souladrin(11,4%),
Iria Saronin(9,83%), Nyavene al'Meer(9,50%), ...

Top locations by line count

  City Lines Written Inhabitants
1 The Ajah Quarters 988 Ninya Evoneigh(30,1%), Karassa Souladrin(14,1%),
Nyavene al'Meer(11,7%), Enya Tawarwaith(10,7%), ...
2 Barracks 877 Mejjad Martnandi(40,6%), Mendo Cath(30,6%),
Kerwin Thaumiel(25,1%), Anarie De'Thain(1,94%), ...
3 Garrison 488 Jeryn Lekar(26,2%), Wil Cambrae(24,6%),
Defen Estrator(13,3%), Deoan Kakarot(8,81%), ...
4 Tar Valon 165 Iria Saronin(72,7%), Wilin Stoneriver(27,3%)
5 Dormitory 82 Elania al'Manir(54,9%), Alyccea Nymaessene(20,7%),
Ahmyra al'Ruley(8,54%), Luna Morn(7,32%), ...
6 Chat 31 Cobrakhan007(96,8%), Ghorum Nuchin(3,23%)

The most active teams

  Team Lines Written Members
1 Recruit 576 Mejjad Martnandi(61,8%), Kerwin Thaumiel(38,2%)
2 Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah 329 Ninya Evoneigh(90,3%), Roheryn Galghandhrei(5,47%),
Aryawnah Federov(4,26%)
3 Soldier 301 Mendo Cath(89,0%), Anarie De'Thain(5,65%),
Murasaki al'Aevon(5,32%)
4 Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah 267 Karassa Souladrin(52,1%), Nymala Ingasy(16,9%),
Nandi el'Shahir(15,0%), Alyria Savoinya(5,99%), ...
5 Gaidin of Dai M'Hael 214 Defen Estrator(30,4%), Deoan Kakarot(20,1%),
Brandon Tataru(19,2%), Amarande al'Kalin(14,0%), ...
6 Citizen 165 Iria Saronin(72,7%), Wilin Stoneriver(27,3%)
7 Aes Sedai of the White Ajah 151 Enya Tawarwaith(70,2%), Laralelle Susandrea(28,5%),
Aduiavas Ida(0,66%), Keisha al'Benn(0,66%)
8 Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar 146 Wil Cambrae(82,2%), Soronhen Ciryaher(9,59%),
Jas'yn Al'Dragoran(8,22%)
9 Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 134 Nyavene al'Meer(86,6%), Autumn Sapphira(13,4%)
10 Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb 128 Jeryn Lekar

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